
Monday, August 9, 2010

WWJD - What would Jesus do?

It is really interesting when things happen around you and you react a not-very-christian way. Then you remember that you are supposed to be a spirit-filled, bible- believing,tongue-talking (wo)man of God. You sit back and relax and say to yourself 'What would Jesus have done in that situation'?
You might be fortunate to remember this when you are actually going through the situation.
When you are going home in your car and an 'okada' man hits your side mirror and continues without stopping to apologise. You remember that the first time that this happened, you had to cough out N25,000 to buy a new one because it couldn't be repaired. Every muscle in you wants to step on the accelerator and go after the 'okada' man. Ask yourself, 'What would Jesus do?'
You have been at your job for over 2 years and you have an overbearing boss who wants to be worshipped. He has just told you that you cannot go on vacation; a vacation you have planned for over 2 months. He tells you that going on leave is a priviledge, not a right. You are tempted to tell him some very interesting home truths but you stop short and ask yourself. 'What would Jesus do?'
You live in a country that is full of corruption where nothing ever seems to work. With a ruling government that promises a lot and delivers so little. As a christian, you know that most government contracts will not see the light of day unless they pass through some of these currupt officials who extort their fees before even considering your proposals. Would Jesus never do a government contract? What would Jesus do?
Incredibly, sitting down to ponder over these four words would actually change your plan of action. Though we are in this world, we are not of this world. We need to follow the examples of Jesus Christ and let the Holy Spirit guide our footsteps. Sometimes it would be tough but always know that Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Christians were never promised that they would not go through tough times, they were promised that they would be victorious over tough times.
So I say, whenever you get to crossroad, ask yourself, 'What would Jesus do?'


  1. Asking that WWJD question ought to be unconscious and part and parcel of every Christian. If we integrate Christ into every aspect of our lives, rather than segregating Him as some of us are want to do would help immensely. We'd certainly free ourselves from a lot of grief when we know that being a Christian is who we are and it's like breathing, not a mask or garment to wear or discard as the mood takes us.

  2. Asking that WWJD question ought to be unconscious and part and parcel of every Christian. If we integrate Christ into every aspect of our lives, rather than segregating Him as some of us are want to do would help immensely. We'd certainly free ourselves from a lot of grief when we know that being a Christian is who we are and it's like breathing, not a mask or garment to wear or discard as the mood takes us.
