
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Facebook Parenting: For the troubled teen

Just came across this on YouTube about a father's response to his 15 year-old daughter's rantings about her "treatment" at home by her family. The girl posted some unsavoury comments on her Facebook wall and thought that since she had blocked her parents from seeing her Facebook page. But the Father found a way to the page and resorted to reply her daughter by posting a video on YouTube. Interestingly this video has garnered 3.7 million views within 3 days (it was posted on the 8th of February

Now, I do think that things like this should be kept in the home but unfortunately Facebook has made private things public. The teenager misbehaved by ranting about her family on Facebook but I do think that the Father went too far by swearing, smoking and shooting.

The New Testament binds a great responsibility on children when it says in Ephesians 6, verses 1-3, "Children obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honor thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth".

And verse 4 talks about the Parent's responsibility too - "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord"

Take a look at the clip below. What do you think?

Your comments, please


  1. Completely agree with you. But the question is how do we effectively parent in this generation of 'cyber living'. W e need to connect with our children in the home and teach Godly principles the way they will understand, when we achieve this it will reflect in their action in public and in this context, online

  2. First i think its about time that parents stand up to their responsibilities. I partly blame the father too for how his daughter has turned out. He probably gave her too much latitude. Most parent want to cuddle their kids to the grave. Instead of the dog wagging the tail, its the tail wagging the dog. Better have some fights or harsh word early in life with your children than to live a life of regret later in the future. Thanks for the posting as a parent. I learnt my own lessons too.
