
Friday, November 30, 2012

Long Distance Relationship Advice

Anyone who seeks long distance relationship advice has made one of the first steps that are necessary to make such dating arrangements work out. The reasons behind choosing to build relationships across many miles can vary.

Employment situations can sometimes dictate such separations. In other cases, a couple may have met under circumstances such as online dating and the separation has existed from the very beginning.

Whatever the reason, there are a number of obstacles that can be associated with getting to know a potential romantic partner from a distance. 

These obstacles call may call for long distance relationship advice from a reputable source. The frustrations that can accompany a budding relationship under these constraints are many. Two people who wish to be together on a frequent basis, but are limited to various electronic means of communication such as telephone or email rather than face to face contact, can become easily discouraged. As all of the difficulties begin to add up, many couples decide that it is just not worth the trouble. Weekends and holidays may supply time for connection, if the distance between the two parties does not prohibit this. For some, the separation may be temporary and short lived. When this is the case, most couples can simply deal with the situation until they are reunited permanently. But for those who see no end to the situation and no closing of the gap on the horizon, any kind of future may seem impossible. However, the kind of communication that is required in these separations can sometimes actually build relationships rather than destroy them.

Obtaining long distance relationship advice from someone who has experience in this area can be a good idea. Honesty in communication is essential. So much of the connection that exist as the couple is getting to know each other will revolve around some form of verbal communication, whether it is in the form of letter, email, instant messaging, or phone conversation. It would be very easy to put up a facade, but such insincerity can only doom relationships in the long run. When the two parties are finally able to be together, these false impressions will be obvious. As tempting as it may be to do otherwise, honest communication is really the only way to go. Along with honesty, the frequency of communication is very important. Sporadic connections will not do much to nurture relationships across the miles. Most providers of long distance relationship advice will point to the many methods of technological connection that are available. In times past, the only way to keep connected with others during times of separation was through traditional mail services. This meant waiting around, sometimes for days, for a response or reaction from the other party. Now, through the use of the telephone, email, or instant messaging, couples can communicate in real time. But even with the help of technology, it can be very easy to misunderstand another person's words. Clearing up any miscommunication right away is key if the relationship is to have a hope of survival.

Another useful bit of long distance relationship advice is to make sure to keep away from any places that might tempt one partner to cheat on another. Each person must be able to trust the other if the relationship is to survive. Avoiding situations that could lead to temptation is always a good idea. Even if it is difficult, it can be a very good idea to schedule regular times to meet in person. Such meetings are necessary to fortify relationships and to remind both parties of the value of what they are working so hard to preserve. A strong sense of commitment to the success of the relationship can help couples to overcome even the most difficult obstacles. Some couples decide to take the opportunities that these obstacles present and turn them into positives. A little creativity can help to make even the most challenging situations fun. Humor, special gifts in the mail, loving phone messages, and a number of other possibilities can help to take the sting out of physical separations. Sources of long distance relationship advice may also be able to provide couples with other ideas for creative communication while separated.
When the chance to get together does arise, couples would be wise to make the most of every minute. Planing out special activities, or simply clearing schedules of other demands so that the couple can focus on each other can be very helpful.

No discussion of long distance relationship advice would be complete without mentioning commitment and discipline. Making the decision to take the relationship very seriously is important. If both parties remain equally dedicated to success, this form of dating can be successful. The Bible instructs believers to express kindness to even those who act as enemies. "But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil." (Luke 6:35)

Remaining positive can be another good piece of long distance relationship advice. It would be easy in these types of situations to focus on the negative aspects. But constantly describing the loneliness and isolation that both parties feel may end up having a destructive effect. This is particularly true if such discussions are not offset by more positive points. Each situation will be different, but a combination of persistence, commitment, and a positive attitude can help relationships survive in even the most difficult circumstances.


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