
Friday, November 2, 2012

Prayer for Husband and Wife: Prayer for Marriage

Marriage Prayers: Wives, pray this prayer for your husband...

Heavenly Father, I thank you for my husband. I thank you for all that he does on a daily basis to keep our family stable. I pray that you would continue to grace him to do all that you have purposed for him to do, and that your will for his life would be made clear.

I pray that you would grant him wisdom and knowledge so that he can make Godly decisions in our home, and at his work place.

I pray that he would find favor wherever he goes, and that he would be a blessing to everyone he meets. Help him to be a Godly husband to me, and a Godly father to our children.

Let him be a man of influence for you. Let others look upon him and see the hope of your glory.

Enable him to see himself as you see him, he is more than a conquer, and he can do all things through your strength. Father, silence all other voices in his mind, and his social circle that would tear him down and give him confidence and boldness in you Lord.

Help him to come to know you more and more every day, and to seek your face and not the approval of man. Teach him to hear and follow your voice, in Jesus name, Amen.

Marriage Prayers: Wives, pray this prayer for yourself...

Heavenly Father, I pray on today that you would help me to be a better wife to my husband. Teach me your ways oh Lord so that I may know them, and so that you would be pleased with me.

Help me to show my husband honor as unto you Lord, and encourage him in all that he does. Help me to submit to his authority and not rebel.

For to rebel against him, is to rebel against you. Give me discernment Lord to know what to say, how to say it, and when not to say anything at all. Fill my mouth with good things so that I can build him up with my words.

Let me be that safe, soft place that he can rest on when the world has beaten him down. Let me be the lifter of his head.

I thank you for making me a suitable help meet for him. Thank you for making me a Godly wife, so that you may be glorified. In Jesus name, Amen.

Marriage Prayers: A prayer for husband to pray for his wife...

Father God, I thank you for my wife. I thank you for all that she does on a daily basis to make sure our home runs smoothly. I pray that you would continue to give her grace, and that she would not ever feel overwhelmed.

I pray that she would know her worth and her beauty, show her that she is fearfully and wonderfully made. Let her know that you have a plan to prosper her, and not harm her. Let her know that she does have a future and hope through you.

Reveal to her your perfect plan for her life so that she may do only that which is pleasing to you. Help her to prioritize, and give her the boldness to say no when she needs to.

Let her be the Godly woman you are calling her to be, and a Godly mother to our children. Give her strength to stand firm, and press through the hard times in her life.Help her not to be anxious about anything but to always make her request known to you by prayer.

Draw her into a closer relationship with you that she may truly know you as her Father, her source. Speak to her in times of quietness and always direct her path as she places her trust in you. In Jesus name, Amen.

Marriage Prayers: Husbands, pray this prayer for yourself...

Father God, help me to be a better husband to my wife. Teach me how to make her my number one priority and demonstrate to her her true value. Let my actions and decisions be trust worthy, and fair. Show me how to listen to her and welcome her counsel in my times of decision making.

Make me aware of any plan, or scheme the enemy has launched against my wife so that I may stand against the adversary by the power of your might. Help me to be a lover of your word so that I may fight the enemy's attacks with your word!

Teach me not be overbearing where she is concerned, and never demanding. But instead show me how to demonstrate your perfect love to her. Help me to love her as you love the church. In Jesus name, Amen.



  1. This is an awesome Covenant prayer. Im not married yet, but I am praying this prayer over myself and the guy that I am currently seeing (non sexual). We want GOD to be in control. Thank you, so much for posting this. I have been blessed by this prayer.


  2. Thank you so much for this on time prayer. My husband and I recently married on July 28, 2018. I pray that God guides our marriage and help us to always be on one accord mind body spirit and soul. Amen

  3. This is an extraordinary covenant prayer. Thank you as this is right on time. My husband and I recently married on July 28 2018. I pray that God guides our marriage and keep US always on one accord mind body spirit and soul. Amen
