
Friday, December 21, 2012

Be The Jesus That They See

My daughter is only a year old, but recently I was climbing a stool to clean the ceiling fan and this little girl who can barely walk managed to climb up, with a towel in her hand and was stretching her hand up trying to copy me. I would put her down but she climbed back up again and again. It was so funny, she is so tiny but she wanted to do what she saw mummy doing.

Christmas holiday is here, the kids are at home, you have a break from work and more time to spend with the family. Many questions might arise from our little ones about the person of Jesus.

We can tell them he was born in a manger, he was a carpenters son and the son of God, we can tell them he died on a cross, we can tell them they must be good because they are Christians, we can and should read stories about Him to them. but it will still be limited to their imagination what the real person of Jesus Christ was like when he was in this world. They may be too young to understand the atonement but they do understand kindness and courage.

When a child is born we eagerly watch out for traits from the father or mother. It's not uncommon to see a boy who walks just like his father. As Christians we know how important it is to use Jesus as our role model. Jesus came and was human and lived a real life just as we are today and that is why the Christian walk begins with imitating Christ. 

Here are some of the characteristics of Jesus Christ:

  • Humility
  • Forgiveness
  • Authority
  • Courage
  • Prayerfulness
  • Patience
  • Love
  • Purpose
  • Generosity
  • Compassion
  • Humility
As parents our children watch us and copy what they see us do. As children of God, we should copy what Jesus did on this earth. He said we can even do more than He did. This is the best way to show your children what it means to be a real Christian as they imitate our generosity, compassion and forgiveness, these characteristics become ingrained in their personalities. Let's become the Jesus that they see.

Ijeoma Olujekun

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