
Saturday, December 22, 2012

What Do You Do When Your Crush Doesn’t Crush You Back? - T.M. Gaouette

Ladies and Gentlemen! Do you have a secret crush? Do you think about him/her all the time? Does it hurt your heart when you see them and they don’t seem to notice that you exist? Do you pray they notices you, or if they are your friends, that their feelings about you are mutual?

Sweetheart, if your heart is breaking from unrequited love and you’re looking for relief, I pray you find comfort in your own responses to the following questions:
  1. Do you want someone for the moment or the future? If you’re looking to just date someone, then you’re looking for more heartache. And marriage? Unless God has that planned for you, I’m guessing it’s too soon in your life to think about that.
  2. Is he/she a Christian? This is a really important question if you are a Christian with a desire to spend your life with a Christian. If they at are not Christians, then it’s definitely a good thing that they are not pursuing you, because only a Christian will truly share your values.
  3. Is it love or lust? If it’s real love, then he/she will come around. But if it’s lust, then it’s a good thing the feeling’s not mutual, because the lust you feel for him/her may lead to something you’d likely regret…and that will be followed by another broken heart.
  4. Is he/she the one? God already has picked your spouse. Have faith in Him and His perfect choice for you. If this is the boy/girl for you, he/she will find his way to you and it will last forever. If they not, then don’t distract yourself with them.
  5. Is it the right time? Some couples meet in high school, some meet later in life. You don’t know when you’ll meet your spouse, but have faith that it will happen on God’s time.
Contemplating these questions wasn’t easy, I’m sure. A broken heart is difficult to convince. If you realize that your crush isn’t the one for you, pray to God and ask Him to change your heart. The good news is that when the time is right, He’ll bring the perfect person to you. It may not be for a long while, but it’ll be worth the wait.

In the meantime, keep busy with school, friends, family, hobbies and most importantly, God. And always keep Christ in your heart.

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