
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Celebrating 7 Days of Marriage. Day 4: Sheila Wray Gregoire

In case you missed last 3 days quotes, Click here for Day 1's quote,  here for Day 2's quote and here for  Day 3.

Day 4's quote is from Sheila Wray Gregoire. 

Sheila Wray Gregoire loves family. She loves her family, including her three children (one in heaven) and her husband; and she loves that God made families as the primary vehicle to show His love. Probably part of this love stems from the fact that growing up, family wasn’t healthy. Her dad left when she was two, and Sheila saw the damage that divorce does, even though her mom was amazing (and still is, as they take missions trips together!) So her passion in this life is to help strengthen families–to equip women to be the best wives and mothers they can be, and especially to cultivate marriages that are rock solid.

Sheila has written four books for women, including To Love, Honor and Vacuum: When you feel more like a maid than a wife and a mother, and she has another coming out with Zondervan soon. She also writes a weekly parenting column, and speaks at women’s events and marriage conferences around North America. Usually, though, you can find her at home, where she homeschools her two daughters. And knits. Preferably simultaneously!

Sheila blogs daily at (To Love, Honor and Vacuum), and you can find her on Twitter ( and on Facebook (

See her quote below.  

Do you think otherwise?

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