
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Couple That Serves Together

Couple in Harmony
Whether you are an usher, a teacher in the children's church, a member of the drama team or  you take part in a mega church event, all Christians are called to serve the Lord and His church in some capacity. However, married life, brings with it some extra considerations and complications in discerning how, when and where to serve.

Sometimes a woman is really committed and she longs for her husband to commit to the extent she has but since he is not forthcoming she goes ahead committing herself more and more in different areas of the ministry that take her time and attention. She is in the Ushering department, Women's prayer team, evangelistic outreach team, and in her zeal she is still looking for more things to commit to in order to serve God.

Slow down!  I believe that a mega-measure of God's blessing comes with obedience to God's standards us as wives to honor your husband by giving preference to him (Romans 12:10), to esteem him as better than yourself (Philippians 2:3), and to live peaceably with your husband (Romans 12:18).

Therefore Christian wives must seek their husband's opinion and approval on all things, including ministry opportunities. You don't ever want to find yourself in a position of functioning in ministry (of all things!) without your husband's backing. So serve only with the blessing and support of your husband knowing that he is on board and not thinking what is this woman doing again? 

We have to serve God however we can, if you can't be involved in all the big events and groups then serve God from home by praying for others, giving Godly counsel to people you come across.  As time goes on and you both develop as a couple, other opportunities will present themselves and you can both prayerfully and support each other.

Paul puts it this way: "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others" (Philippians 2:3-4). This passage encourages us to have a servant's heart, to have an unselfish determination to serve others. And when couples choose to unselfishly serve others together, they experience peace, contentment and a deeper bond that strengthens their marriage.

I always feel so inspired when I see a couple who serve the Lord together. Serving as a couple has so many benefits. There's a sweet intimacy that comes with working together on a service project or giving together to those in need. Couples who embrace God's call to serve others experience an added closeness, and there are special moments and memories that naturally come when you do things together. Participating together in ministry opportunities – whether in your church, neighborhood or community  can also help you to grow in your faith as a couple. Working side-by-side to fulfill the Great Commission – in whatever capacity – deepens your spiritual intimacy like little else can. 

But in the end, it's not really about obedience and self sacrifice  helping the poor, the needy, those who need a touch from God makes us true servants of Christ. Serving others strengthens the infrastructure of your church, your home and everyone who comes in contact with you. We have the opportunity to transform and influence lives through our lives and bring people together.

Ijeoma Olujekun

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