
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Real Life Coach

Couple happy together
A friend of ours was sharing he and his wife's experience with my husband and I. He had a business in Nigeria and his wife had a job in a large oil company here but they felt led to move to the UK. It seemed ridiculous; there has been a recession and with the high level of unemployment in the U.K right now what would the future hold for them? Her superiors at work even told her not to be ashamed to come back if things didn't work out. They just didn't see the reason she would go to the U.,K in the absence of a ready job offer. But within 6 weeks she got a job in a fortune 500 company and her husband is still able to run his business from there. 

Life coaching (or personal coaching) is fairly popular these days. A life coach is someone you hire to help assist you with your personal development, especially in the area of setting and achieving specific goals. Typically this involves paying a certain amount per month to speak with a trained coach by phone for 30-60 minutes per week. Pricing and service offerings vary tremendously. 

If we look around us we will realize that God has a purpose for everything, including every individual marriage. Over the course of our lives we have to make several decisions, some more difficult than others.  

Should I take this job, should I invest in that business, should we settle down here or there? In marriage this is amplified, a husband and wife must think for each other and put their children into cognizance also. 

The Holy Spirit is the bridge to God within you, that joins you with the Mind of God. As you develop this relationship, it becomes deeper and more intimate and you enjoy fullness in your life everyday. Couples need to employ the Holy Spirit as their Life coach. Some couples neglect the ministry of the Holy Spirit and seek guidance from all sorts of places and they often find themselves hitting brick walls. Then we pray, we join hands together and pray for our children, our jobs, the situation at hand, but the Holy Spirit teaches us how and what to pray. Romans 8:26–27 (ESV)26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. 27 And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes ... 

His ministry takes us back to Eden, before Adam and Eve when God visited man and related with him before they sinned. Jesus said, “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth” (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit wants to give us wisdom, guidance, and direction in everything that we do. The Spirit becomes our guide, leading us in the way that we should go. You should ask the Spirit to lead you whenever you are making a major life decision. I am confident that it is God’s deepest desire that we seek him in every area of our lives. The Spirit will lead you into the place that you should be. Are you facing an important life-changing decision? Do you need to make a major financial investment? Don’t be afraid to ask the Lord to show you what the best decision is. He will speak if we ask for his help. 

Ijeoma Olujekun 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post. I have heard about this and I want to find more resources related on this issue. Thank you for posting. Looking forward to read more of your post and updates in the future. Life Helper
