
Friday, February 15, 2013

So Valentine Is Over and You Didn't Get The Beemer You Were Expecting...

Valentine's day is over, but love is still in the air. Many people gave gifts to express their love. But only a gift from the heart, a gift born out of pure love, benefits the spirit of both the recipient and the giver. But with the overwhelming number of couples who expressed this love we must honestly examine this love.

Yesterday many ladies might have experienced disappointment. The cake wasn't big enough, or pretty enough. Why an iPhone instead of an iPad after all he can afford I not worth it? Perhaps he doesn't love me enough.

Consider this analogy: A child’s birthday arrives. His rich parents, uncles and brothers, spend lots of money and buy this child’s expensive toys. However, to them, they are just following the tradition of giving gifts on birthdays; perhaps some of their gifts are born out their desire to show how generous they are. And sometimes these gift-giving ceremonies are not but an arena for people to show how much they have, or to buy the child’s love and respect. Hence a competition for the child’s love. Even parents sometimes indulge in this base competition!

However the maid, who could not afford a gift, on that day, was filled with joy and gratitude to the Almighty for sending this child into the world; this joy streamed from her hearts of hearts, from her spirit. And this joy is an intuitive perception, it is a spiritual work, and its reciprocal effect will greatly uplift both her and this child. The child shares in the blessing that this joy will brings in its reciprocal effect because it was the child that gave the maid the impetus to this joy albeit unknowingly.
In this we see that both this child and maid have given to each other far more than the rich relatives of the child, gave the child.

In this picture we also notice that having no means (material goods or money) does not exclude one from being able to give! The maid had no money(material means) to buy physical gifts for the child but she gave a more profound gift to the child. She gave that which emanated from her spirit; she gave her being!

In this giving to your neighbour that which emanates from your spirit, without any intellectual scheming for reward, respect, acclaim or glory, lies giving oneself, yourself, or your nature. It is love in its purest form. In this too, Jesus clearly showed us the path to this selfless giving when He said, "become like little children." Observe children you will see that they give themselves with their every action, word, and thought .

Hence giving an overtly expensive gift does not prove that you love the receiver, any more than wearing an orange bodysuit and a green hat make you a carrot.

Jesus clearly showed us the path to this selfless giving when He said, "become like little children." Observe children you will see that they give themselves with their every action, word, and thought; Children always speak their minds; they lack the deceitful cunning we adults glorify as diplomacy.

That said, for my friends who were expecting the BMW X6 for the second year in a row-maybe next year, dears. I sincerely hope that the teddy bears, cakes, perfumes, romantic dinners etc, have helped many reignite the romance and passion that our busy schedules interfere with. So let's make it last...

Ijeoma Olujekun.

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