
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Best Way To Propose....

The best way to Propose
One day many women hold dearly is the day their husbands proposed. No matter how it is done, it is something a woman will never forget. If you are planning to propose, remember she'll probably be telling the story of how you proposed to friends and strangers for the rest of her life -and your kids.

My husband proposed on a screen in a cinema. He invited all my friends, they were all sitting behind me. I had no clue because I came in late and it was dark. The promo started and the next thing I saw on the screen was, "Will u marry me Ijeoma?" I was like "Can't wait to see this movie they used my name in". Then he got on one knee and all my friends came out and I realized half d people there were our friends. I threw my popcorn away, it was such a shock I almost forgot to answer. Although I'm a very private person, I loved it. He later told me it took 4 months to plan, get approval for it to be done and I felt really special.

Guys, here are a few ideas that you could use: 
  • Write her a love note with the proposal at the end of it. Tuck it into her favorite book or the one she happens to be reading at the moment, and when she finds the note, surprise her with the ring.
  • Take your partner to the beach and write "Will you marry me?" in big letters in the sand.
  • Upload a video of your proposal to YouTube (tell her you have a hysterical home movie to show her).
  • Ask a baker to make a cake with the proposal written in frosting. Have him display it in the storefront and suggest a little window-shopping.
  • Go to a cinema with her with two tickets, but before you enter the hall, pretend you just lost the tickets and than pull out the engagement ring instead of the tickets and ask her if she will like that instead.
  • Create a web page all about your life together. Photos, places that mean a lot to you etc.. Announce your love by proposing, send him the web address and wait for his/her reply and when accepted you can then send the address to friends and family.
  • Crowded restaurant - make the big announcement!! VERY CHEESY but always a good story to tell!
Remember, the best way to propose is by understanding what she really loves. No matter how simple you want it to be you can still make it special, it doesn't have to be public to be special. It’s never good to get your girlfriend feeling squirmy and sweaty in the middle of your proposal.  If your girlfriend’s a private person, then plan a day which both of you can spend by yourselves, and make sure it’s just the both of you.

A great marriage proposal doesn't have to be expensive or extravagant. Many women are more likely to cherish the memories of a proposal that was inexpensive but truly creative. The creativity is what makes the proposal so memorable and what makes it a great story to tell their friends.

(And don't forget to register for your premarital counselling right away)

Ijeoma Olujekun

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