
Friday, February 8, 2013

The family That Set Goals Together, Grows Together

The family That Set Goals Together
We all know the cycle, mummy and daddy come to a conclusion that it's time to redecorate the home. They might outline a budget and cut down on other expenses and just tell the kids that they are redecorating the house and so they can't have this or that "So boys and girls get with the program".

I wonder how many times husbands and wives set goals and involve their children. I believe that setting a common goal gives us and our children a blueprint for what we are doing. They are learning how to run a family from us. Once you have defined what you want to do individually as a person and as a couple, every member in the family should be a part of it. 

We want our kids to be responsible, help each other, love each other, trust each other but many times, a true sense of unity or unity of purpose is missing. If mum and dad are redecorating the home at great expense and the kids still want to give away expensive party packs or have a big birthday party; then it is because even though they are children, they don't see the redecoration of the home as "their thing".

If there is an issue then each member of the family gets to contribute on how to improve the situation. Because it's a family issue, it's important for each individual no matter how young, to have their voices heard. Family goals are a very powerful way to strength the family bond, build trust, communication, as well a great way to teach kids how to set and achieve personal goals for themselves in future.

Preferably these goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. A goal might be to help one of the children pass a certain major exam or to help the last child learn his multiplication tables by the end of the summer holiday, or to gather as many clothes as possible from friends and relatives to take to an orphanage or add more healthy foods to the family diet. By defining it and not just free-styling, it becomes everyone's responsibility. So whatever steps need to be taken or sacrifices made, will be enacted by the whole family.

Some families might prefer to set a time and write the family goals down using a goal and put them in a visible place like on the fridge but the important thing is that every member is aware and involved from creation to completion and that the entire family (not just mom and dad) have ownership.

Family goals can add value to any family or situation and teach effective goal setting skills that everyone can benefit and learn from. Bring your family together by setting family goals and reap the many rewards of working together to achieve a common purpose.

Ijeoma Olujekun

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