
Friday, February 1, 2013

Welcome to the Month of Reminders a.k.a Month of Love

February, the month of Love
 "The best Valentine's Present I ever gave my husband was when I was short on cash so I thought of a romantic idea for Valentines. I lined Hershey's Kisses from the door to the bathtub and put flowers in the tub. Just above the tap was a note that said "Now that I have "kissed" the ground you walk on "showered" you with flowers, will you be my Valentine?" He loved it!"     —Letha Miller, Birmingham, Ala.

"I'm a nurse, I came home after the second of two busy shifts.  I kissed my husband who was up watching a movie, spent a few minutes with him and then walked upstairs to put my bag in our bedroom.  There was a beautiful bouquet of red roses on the table in the hallway and a card taped on our bedroom door with a safety pin on it.  The card said "I love you more than I can show".  Well, I was so touched— but wondered what the safety pin was for.  I found out as soon as I opened the bedroom door.  The room was filled with 500 red balloons.  They covered everything.  I screamed with laughter, then ran down and kissed him. We had a blast playing in the balloons— and then later using the safety pin to pop all of them. What a great surprise and what an incredible man. After 20 years, he just gets better and better." - Sue Kilgore, Lenexa Ky. 

"My favorite Valentine's Day was the year I received flowers at work the week before Valentine's Day with this note "I couldn't wait until Valentine's Day to say I Love You."  It was more of a surprise to get them early and such a great way of telling me he loved me.  We just celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary and I wouldn't trade him for anything! - Patty, Green Bay, Wis."

"This morning, 1st February, 2013,  I got a Smilebox e-card from my husband with a picture of the two of us and a message reminding me of how much he loves me."- Ijeoma Olujekun, Lagos, Nig.

So here we are, today is the 1st day of February and all the cake companies, restaurants, the children's school (you know they are probably going to ask them to wear red) and adverts for comedy shows are reminding us that it's the month of love. Husbands get ready for all the small hints or big reminders if she keeps a picture of a Fendi bag as her wallpaper or a blackberry display picture, this should be considered a HINT (please take note). If she tells you about a Valentine's discount on a set of gold jewelry, this should be considered as a reminder. Some of us will say it's a false holiday because it's only branded in order to get people to spend but with all the pretty red and pink heart-shaped decorations all over the place and females everywhere looking forward to it, it's true what the say, "If you can't beat them, join them."

The three experiences above caught my eye because they are simply unforgettable and they didn't cost a fortune, so while some might be planning to get their husbands a lovely wristwatch to add to his collection or the Candy fragrance by Prada or Viva La Juicy La Fleur by Juicy Couture for your wife, let us keep in mind that it's the thought that counts.

Ladies and gentlemen, you have two weeks to think up something very special to express how much you care about your spouse. If your relationship has been strained or blissful, Valentines day presents another opportunity to remind each other why you fell in love in the first place. Get a notebook, write down all the things you love about him or her, list them out and separate them. Cut up each piece that has an attribute; your love or a special memory, get an attractive box or a pretty glass bowl and fill it with these pieces of paper and hide it. On Valentine's day, your spouse will have a reminder of all the things you love about him/her and this serves as a reminder to him or her to keep up the good work, and also a point of reference for both of you of the ingredients of your love and this will stay in your home long after the last slice of cake, the last drop of perfume or when the Blackberry Z10 is lost, faulty or just out of vogue. Guilty as charged,  I know I'm a hopeless romantic, you can think up something else but I just want every couple out there to make use of this day.

Ladies, if he is not going to remember or just doesn't see the big deal, still use this Valentine's day to show him appreciation for the blessing that he is. Don't get upset, he is still your man and you should still appreciate his hard work to take care of you and the family.

Ijeoma Olujekun

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