
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

When You are in Love....

When you are in love
How does it really feel when you are in love? Personally I just can't stop thinking about my love; my wife. My wife still excites me even after 14 years of marriage. The feelings that I have for her are still as strong as the time I was courting her, sometimes I think even stronger. Despite our ups and downs (mostly in early years of forming and norming), I see her as BFF (Best Friend Forever), my lover, my wife and I don't think she would do anything to hurt me. She has my back and I have hers.

When you are in love, you’ll willingly do anything to be alone with the one you are crazy about. When you are apart from each other, it’s painful, even miserable. Days seem like years. He or she is all you think about; you jump at any chance to be together.

Just as we cherish and show love for our loved ones, how do we show our love for God? Do we think He needs our love? Can we truly love someone we cannot see, feel or touch?

Can we really say we love God if all we do when we interact with him is the following:
  • Go to Church once a week
  • Seek His face only when we are sick or we are in need of money
  • Maybe read our daily devotional readings
  • Do not spend time with Him in prayer except when required by your church
What do you think God wants from us? Is it not to crave a loving relationship with Him? Is that not what brings Him glory - that we, as believers, desire Him and not merely as servants that serve Him out of obligation?

If we spend so little time with Him, how can we know Him? How can we hear Him talk with us? And if we don't know Him, how can we love Him? How can we appreciate that He loved us so much that He sent His only begotten son to die for us?

Jesus replied when asked about the greatest commandment, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." (Matthew 22:36-37)

Abraham loved God, believed in his relationship with God and the Bible says, He was considered as God's friend. David, a man after God's own heart poured out his heart before God in the Psalms. He just talked with God about what was going on and he continued to see the goodness of God, His mercy, strength, comfort and greatness. God loved David.

God loved these great men despite all their errors. He favoured them.

It is possible to have a very intimate relationship with God. He loves us and desires that we love Him also, not out of obligation but because we want to.


  1. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

  2. how about when you love someone and that person doesnt show love to you again after fours years of relationship,what will you do?
