
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Would you open a joint account with your partner before marriage?

Oftentimes, I come across some people who say they have a joint account with their partners before marriage. When I ask why, they give different reasons ranging from "it helps me to manage my spending" to "It is for the wedding expenses".

As per the question "Would you open a joint account with your partner before marriage?", my answer is either an outright "No" or "Be very careful". My belief about marriage is that Nothing is cast in stone before marriage. Relationships do break up even minutes to the wedding day. I would rather open a joint account with someone AFTER marriage, not BEFORE. (This scenario pertains to Christians who do not live together under the same roof before marriage)

There has been sad stories about one partner "cleaning out" the joint account and bolting away before the marriage. If this happens, what would you do if you are the affected party? You are not legally married and there is really no covenant between the two of you yet. 

If the issue is about the wedding expenses, are you saying that you cannot manage your accounts individually? 

We are called to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Proceed carefully.

1 comment:

  1. my comment is as good as the one l red above, you cannot have a joint account with some one you've not really esterblished a relationship with, expecially when thre two of you are still in courtship or dating each other. That is the truth and i dont think there is anythin short of it thank you.
