
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Can You Describe Your Spouse?

Know your spouse

A man, his wife and dog went camping to ease the tension pervading their marriage for a while now. After some time spent on the camp ground, he took a nap. He woke up an hour later and couldn't locate his wife or the dog.

He left the campground and visited the Police Station. This dialogue ensues:

Man: I lost my wife.

Inspector: What is her height?
Man: I never noticed

Inspector: Slim or healthy-looking
Man: Not Slim, could be healthy-looking

Inspector: Colour of her eyes?
Man: Never noticed

Inspector: Colour of hair?
Man: Changes according to season

Inspector: What was she wearing?
Man: Saree/Suit. I don't remember exactly

Inspector: Was somebody with her???
Man: Yes, my Labrador dog, Romeo. Had a golden chain, height 30 inches, healthy, brown eyes, black brown hair, his left foot thumb nail is slightly broken, wearing a gold belt studded with blue balls. He likes non-vegetable foods. We eat together and jog together......And the man started crying.....

Inspector: What an apt description! Let's search for the dog first!!! You clearly need him more than your wife!

Issues like this abound among couples. Take a good look at your spouse later today.
Can you describe him or her???

Begin to take note of those little details which you've ignored for so long.....

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