
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Get Me The Venison I Love - Pastor Poju Oyemade

“The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: and thou maintain my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; ye, I have a goodly heritage. I will bless the Lord who giveth me counsel....” (Psalm 16:5-6)

Relationships are based on Covenants. They have tenets which trigger diverse effects when engaged. We should understand the relationships we are involved in their covenant (terms and promises). With different people, there are different terms. For instance, the Bible instructs us to “honour our father and mother; and in doing so it will be well with thee and thou shall live long on the earth.” So, the parent-child/child-parent relationship is a covenant with significant terms which when adhered to brings specific blessing into your life. All relationships are loaded with various terms and blessings. They are covenants. Your ability to unlock the intelligence behind the covenant relationships you are engaged in will open your eyes to laws of life that yield great benefits.

Our relationship with God is also covenant based. There are numerous blessings awaiting anyone who will keep the conditions or demands of our covenant with Him. When we do, we will have deeper and richer experiences with Him. But just like it takes two to tango in every other relationship, God also expects us to fulfill our part.

There is a difference between your will and the Father’s will. Whether or not you are given an inheritance is strictly within the jurisdiction of the Father's will. His written will states what inheritance He gives to his children and His conditions. The personal request of any of His children does not infringe upon His written will. The choice of who gets what is His sole prerogative determined by His disposition to or perception of each heir. Only a favourable behaviour towards the father can procure much goodwill in this regard. Remember, Isaac said to Esau, "go and get me the venison that I love." Doing what the Father loves is venison to Him. Isaac demanded that Esau stir him up with what he (Isaac) loves and thereafter, he will bless him with an inheritance. Note that David's declaration “The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; ye, I have a goodly heritage..." was a result of doing what the Father loves. He had offered up "venison" to the Father.

Just like the woman with the Alabaster Box. Her action pleased Jesus and He gave her an inheritance saying that her name would be mentioned wherever that gospel is preached. Ruth also walked into the heritage of the Lord although originally a Moabite and a Gentile. In upholding covenant relationships in her life, she received an inheritance among the people of God and became the grandmother of David the king. She did not have to project or strategize. All she did was honour the tenets of relationships she had.

Understand that your relationship with God and people around you is key to your progress in life as well as your ability to trigger God's favour. Proverbs says that "he who does good continually procures favour." Your ability to know and honour the covenants that guard your relationships will bring immeasurable blessings into your life and that of generations after you.

“Poju Oyemade

This was culled from the weekly Nutshell newsletter of Covenant Christian Centre

About the Author
Pastor Poju Oyemade presides over Covenant Christian Centre and is the the convener of The Platform based in Lagos, Nigeria. He can be reached on Twitter @pastorpoju.

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