
Friday, March 8, 2013

What does it mean to be a Christian Woman in this Modern day?

Today is International Women's Day. In different regions, the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political and social achievements.

"What does it mean to be a Christian Woman in this Modern day?" I asked some women about this and their responses are listed below.

"Being a Christian Woman in today's society seems more challenging than previous times, because while women do enjoy more freedom than previous times, they're also more demands and expectations that can distract you from fulfilling your purpose. And without the right foundation, getting carried away is easy. But it is a great time to be woman as well because there are less limitations. So you can greatly impact the world with even less resistance than previous times".  -  Uche, Nigeria

"Well for me, I think this is the hardest generation yet to be a christian woman. The choices we have are so vast , at the same time the worldly pressures and temptations are so great. For me, I'm past the age of being shy to let people know the guiding force of my life and I will mention Christ at any given opportunity. He has blessed me and kept me and my family safe and I give thanks to Him."

"To every woman struggling in the workplace, in their homes or groups and networks to profess their fath. You don't have to shout it from the rooftop but Christ's light should shine through and people should determine a pleasant difference in the way you conduct your affairs." - Naomi, Kenya

"To me, it is being a woman who portrays the love of Jesus in every thought, word and deed; and whose heart is big enough and whose arms are wide enough to spread that love beyond just her household, but to every one she comes in contact with, becoming a role model for the young girls to follow - Ijeoma, Nigeria

What about you? What do you think? Please share your thoughts with us


  1. In my opinion, being a christian woman in these times means being true to yourself and the Lord and not bowing to the pressures from men and even women themselves. How about the Proverbs 31 woman being our standard?

  2. i think beign a christian woman means taking putting the word of God into action and making it known that u are diff. Nd unique through Jesus inspite of what the world thinks.

  3. Being a Christian Woman in the modern world takes alot of courage and strength given the dynamics of this world. A christian woman should not forget the foundation of life which is believing in God for everything. No matter what challenges life brings forth, you can get through it if you believe and trust in God. We should let God have his way in our lives despite what is happening in the world.

    Priscilla Muhiu
