
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Marriage Obeys The Laws Of Averages

Marriage follows the law of averages. Recall: 'two shall be come one'. This is only possible by the law of averages. The average of two units is the sum of them divided by two. Therefore (1+1)/2=1.

Why is this important to recognise? Some people say that marriage should be 50:50 thinking that would give an end result of 100. But by the law of averages, 50% and 50% by spouses will result in a 50% marriage. To get a 100% relationship, each spouse would have to give their 100% to the marriage.

Look around you at all the relationships you know especially those from the older generation. Those where one spouse is fully committed and the other is less so, still end up better than those where each is holding back and just matching what the other offers. Imagine that 100% and 25% would average as 62.5% which is better than the outcome for the 50% and 50% couples.

To improve your marriage, increase your commitment to it, regardless of what your spouse is contributing. The law of average still applies today, so you will have a better marriage as you focus on increasing your own commitment.

God is faithful: as you become more selfless and less selfish, He will bless your investment in your marriage and your labour would not be in vain.

Pat Idaewor

About the Author
Dr Pat Idaewor has been married for over 21years with four children (ages:10-20). She has been a believer since 1983. Part of a ministry is engaged in inner city Christian work. She is a strong believer in the power of God's word to change and prosper people. She can be reached at

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