
Friday, June 28, 2013

Have a New Husband by Kevin Leman

Have a new husband by Friday? Is that even possible? Women who feel they need a Rosetta Stone to interpret their husbands' behavior no longer have to be frustrated. Psychologist and media personality Leman channels his years of professional counseling experience into easy-to-follow, common sense advice for wives. While never placing blame on women for their husbands' poor behavior, the author does believe that wives can encourage their husbands to be better partners by altering some of their expectations.Leman reminds any wife that if what she's doing to get better behavior out of her husband isn't working now, it never will. So it's time for a change. That means it's time to change her own patterns of behavior. Leman, is a Christian and you will get that sense as you read the book. Here's how Leman suggests she handle it day to day:

Monday: Secrets Revealed: Cracking the Male Code
Yes, you're different species, but you can work together in harmony.

Tuesday: Creatures from Another Planet . . . or Creatures of Habit?
To understand men, you have to track 'em to their den.

Wednesday: Think about What You Want to Say, Then Divide It by Ten
How to talk so your guy will really listen . . . and listen so your guy will really talk.

Thursday: Think of Him as a Seal Waiting for a Three-Pound Fish
Why making love to your man is a key to who he is and how satisfied he'll be, and what's in it for you.

Friday: It Takes a Real Woman to Make a Man Feel like a Real Man
How to open your man's heart, revolutionize your love life, and turn him into the knight you've always dreamed of.

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