
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Prayers For Your Husband

"... And NO gossiping or complaining about your husbands...Ever!" Everyone burst into laughter. Those were the words of my pastor after service last month, when he announced that there would be a time once a month on Sunday evenings for women to get together and pray.

Sometimes we are more inclined to complain about our husband (even if its only in the deep recesses of our minds) than to actually pray for them. So, I have listed these prayers as a so we can continue to lift our men up daily.

1. Dear Lord thank you for (insert husband's name). May my love for him grow.

2. (insert husband's name) is Yours please take charge of his life. Because I can't. May Your characteristics manifest in him as he grows in his relationship with you.

3. Father, may your love be at the center of our marriage always.

4. Show me how to be a joyful and compassionate and truly forgive him when he offends me. Give me a discerning spirit and the courage to speak the truth into his life which will encourage him.

5。 Father, you know I tend to worry. Keep (insert husband's name) in your care and help us to stay close. Help us to face difficulties as a team. Help us to live a long and fruitful life together, as your life will permits. In Jesus Name Amen.

"The heart of her husband trusts in her and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not harm all the days of her life" Proverbs 31: 11-12 

By Ijeoma Olujekun

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