
Monday, July 22, 2013

...Some Royal Parenting Advice

Going by the hype you'd certainly be forgiven if you thought Kate Middleton was the first woman in Britain to have a baby. Royalbaby has become one of the most retweeted hashtags of all time. The royal baby is expected to arrive any day from now and for months people have been suggesting baby names, birth plans and of course offering loads of unsolicited parenting advice. Advice that I think, many of us can benefit from even if we are not members of the Windsor family. So here is my list of some of the best advice they have been given, that we can also benefit from.

1. "Do the best you can. Not everything can be perfect all the time - and that doesn't mean you can't try to make it perfect - but it's not going to be. … You have to find your community. We've had three kids in five years, and each of them is at a different age. For each of them I have a different community of friends who are helping be the village that raises these children. Being a mom when

you're all alone can be lonely, which is so crazy because people think, 'Oh, you have a baby - it should be so exciting all the time!' But truly, I think a lot of moms out there get lonely because you're with only children all day long. You need a community. It's so important on every single level." -Jessica Capshaw

2. "You just have to hold on. It's a ride. You read every book to find out what's going to happen and you ask everybody you know who's got kids. Once it happens to you, it turns your life completely upside down. You hold on -- and you enjoy it. You have those days where you go, 'This too shall pass. We will get beyond this stage.' But at the end of the day, just to have a healthy little one is such a blessing." -Melissa Rycroft

3."Really communicate with your kids. If I can give my kids a legacy, it'll be that I was a good communicator. I may not have been right all the time, but I communicated!" --Kelly Bensimon

4. "[Give] lots of love! Love is everything!" -Nina Garcia

5. ''The midwife's advice is invaluable, always listen to the midwife, and always have a formula back up,'' Ms Fahy

6. Learn the differences between ''fake cries'' and ''real cries''

7. "Make couple time! Seriously, make time for yourselves as a couple. I get it: You feel guilty and you wanna be with the baby all the time, but finding that balance and making time for yourselves as individuals and yourselves as a couple is really important." -Jillian Michaels

8. "The biggest thing -- believe it or not -- is you need to get someone to actually show you how to breastfeed. You think it's so natural, but it's not! If you do it the wrong way, then you're in pain for the next few weeks. So you really need to get somebody to show you the proper way of latching the baby on. I always tell my friends: Listen to me when I tell you that you need somebody to show you how to do this. Nobody ever thinks of it. Nobody ever told me that! 'Oh, the nurse in the hospital will show you.' But it's not enough training!" -Nancy O'Dell

9. "Sleep when your baby sleeps and don’t be frightened of doing it. You need to rest too."

10. ''You just have to have fun, relax and remember to trust your instincts,'' Ms Hodnik

Ijeoma Olujekun

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