
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

101 Ways To Spoil your Spouses

Not Only Is He "The Man"...Show Him He's Your Man!;You wrote your names together and drew a heart around them, told your girlfriends about his dashing good looks, even practiced saying, "I'm Mrs.-his-last-name." You told him on your wedding day that he made you the happiest woman alive. Show him today that you still feel the same way!

 Show Her She's Your Queen - and Win Your Spot as King of Her Heart!Remember when she was a far-off dream you hoped to get a date with...the soft-edge fulfillment of romance...the one ideal you pursued with more diligence than sports and hot rods? Now she's your wife, lover, confidant, and so much more. Remind yourself, not to mention your spouse, what really brought you together. There's no better time to surprise her with 101 romantic ideas, simple gestures, and grand expressions all designed to help you show her she's still your dream!

Valentines is long gone but I'm sure the ideas in these books will keep those flames burning till next Valentines day and many more valentines days to come.

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