
Sunday, August 11, 2013

5 things Every Father Should Do For His Children

As I think about the current state of the world, I am constantly reminded of the need to prepare my family for the world. The world is totally different from the world I grew up in and somethings I see and hear, scare me. With the world increasingly tolerant of freedom of speech and action; the seeming decreasing need for God in one's life, I constantly think of my children and how to continually ensure they grow up upright and do not stray from the straight and narrow path.

I am sure most fathers are like me and I would like to share some of the things you should do to help and protect your children.

  1. Pray for your children. It is the duty of every father to pray for his children. You should pray for their physical and spiritual welfare even if you can afford to take care of them. Pray for their health, their education, wealth and even their married lives
  2. Spend time telling them about God. Share with them about God's Love. Read the Bible with them and share bible stories with them. Help them to realise that the Bible is still relevant in these modern times. It would be wonderful if you have the priviledge of leading them to Christ; getting them born again.
  3. Show them that it is good to follow God in good times and trying times. When your children see the way you act in good times and trying times, it helps them appreciate your love for God.  Your motto should be, "Do as I say and as I do" - as long as you are saying and doing the Godly thing.
  4. Spend time with them talking about family values. Do not be carried away by giving your children all the things you may not have had while growing up on a platter of gold. If you give them everything without helping them to value these fine things of life, you may be preparing them for a life of entitlement; which might be dangerous. Teach them to value family and family time. 
  5. Reward/Punish them appropriately. Help them to appreciate the consequences of their actions, whether good or bad. You should be a fair disciplinarian. It is not about punishing your children when they've made a mistake, it's also about rewarding them when they've done something good so that they're encouraged and want to repeat the behavior. Being consistent is just as important as having a system of punishments and rewards.
Being a father is no easy task but it is an interesting and rewarding responsibility that God has entrusted upon you. Do not take it lightly. 

Have a blessed day.

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