
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hmmm.... What would I say about Miley Cyrus Twerking at the VMA 2013?

First of all, Who is Miley Cyrus? She is the teen star in the Disney Channel television series Hannah Montana, in which she portrayed the starring character Miley Stewart.

I have 3 kids who have grown up watching Disney Channel so I am aware of Hannah Montana and her influence on kids around the world. My seven year old has Hannah Montana branded items - bags, pencil cases...

Friday, August 30, 2013

Some Thoughts On Happiness

We all want to have lives filed with joy and weekends filled with enjoyment. We should design lives to bring in joy. It may seem obvious, but "people don't devote enough time to thinking seriously about how they spend their life and how much of it they actually enjoy," Analyzing one's life isn't necessarily easy and may require questioning long-held assumptions.

A high-powered career might, in fact, turn out to be unfulfilling; For some sleeping in at weekends might bring happiness, for others it might be watching movies and other might  just like good long chat with a close friend or family member. We can all work harder at our lives and bringing joy and happiness into our relationships with our immediate family and friends.

Bible Action Heroes

Even little ones win with matching games! Uncover Peter; then match him walking on water. Locate Miriam; then find her watching over baby Moses. As your kids ages 4 and up pair the Bible hero to an action, they'll begin associating characters with the adventures they're famous for--no reading required! Includes Faith Parenting Guide. Recommended for or two to four players, ages 4 and up. 

For those of you with younger children you might really find this memory game very useful for teaching your children to learn and memorize Bible characters. Bible Action Heroes Matching Game is an educational memory game for children.  


The Right Guy For The Right Girl -Review

Overview: Just another book for singles? No! The Right Guy for the Right Girl by Jackie Kendall, Debby Jones emphasizes the state of your heart, not your marital status. It is not about finding the right woman, but about being the right man. In response to the wildly successful Lady in Waiting book, The Right Guy for the Right Girl is full of answers to questions all men have regarding relationships. It nudges you closer to God, while acknowledging longings you have to be loved and cherished by a woman.

Life-changing qualities thoroughly discussed and Biblicaly supported include:
·        Reckless abandonment  
·        Faith    
·        Virtue  
·        Purity  
·        Security                     

At What Age Should Our Teenagers Learn To Drive???

Keeping Up With The Kardashians star, Kylie Jenner, 16, crashed her $125,000 Mercedes-Benz SUV on Tuesday in Calabasas, California, just 18 days after getting her license.  Kylie was driving her new wheels around Calabasas when she slammed into the back of a Toyota which then subsequently hit a Volkswagen SUV. I guess its safe to say Kylie has grown up rather quickly due to being in the spotlight on her reality TV show Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

My dear friends 13 yea- old cousin has been eager to get into the drivers seat also. On Wednesday did just that and then she pressed the accelerator instead of the brakes and rammed into a parked two- month-old Hyundai Accent and a Toyota Corolla. The Hyundais’ bumper was destroyed the Toyota was damaged and had moved several inched from where it was originally parked. When the owners came out and saw their cars they flipped and you can imagine what happened next---She cried.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sexual Abuse: Roles parents need to play

He watched as she filled one jar after another with moist sand from the seashore, she had very scanty dressing on, He could tell she was happy. Her hair was held together in a loose bun and the sun shinning on her skin made her skin a dull orange. He couldn't see her face but he imagined it’s one beautifully and artistically sculptured. The sea waves surged forward and she didn't flinch, he got the vibe she comes there often and eventhough she was a child, he felt a stir in his crouch. He desires her like he does the rest and like the rest he is going to have and defile her. Smiling with the side of his lips, he approached her and in his mind he labelled her victim X.
She lost herself in the pure joys of the tender age unaware of the evils of the world she is in...
Forgive my long intro, I am trying to imagine what goes on in the head of a paedophile. Still can't wrap my head around it. The moral cloak of this generation is becoming more and more threadbare. I was told by a friend of a pregnant child of twelve years old and how the neighbours around blamed her of seducing the thirty year old man that got her pregnant. I am sure I am not the only one that sees the ridiculousness in this situation.
Much as I agree there are lots of low thinking members in our society, I will like to emphasise however that as parents/ guardians we have a big role to play in keeping our kids and relatives save from these predators. The other day I was driving around town with a friend and saw this very beautiful young girl of about five years old dressed in a bum shorts and spaghetti top. I was going to comment about the time my friend commented. We both agreed the child is really pretty and is ‘curvy’ for a child. Something about the dressing didn’t look innocent. Now, I can feel some people coming down on me and asking how that kind of child is attractive enough to get raped/molested.  Child molestation is a social problem that can’t be overstressed and one needs to take extra care in raising one’s kids. Acting like these things don’t happen is just living in denial. Abuse/molestation is of different kind. In this post, the focus is on sexual abuse.
The consequence of this act can’t  be over emphasised. Not every victim of sexual abuse rises above it. They grow into adults with trust issues, adults with low sense of morals; just to mention a few.
For the sake of our readers, I highlighted some points that could guide against one’s child getting molested:
·         Check into the background of whomever one wants to hire as a caregiver.
·         Teach the kids the basics about the sexual organs and how it is not right for anyone’s hand/object to be allowed to linger there
·         Encourage them to be outspoken about things that happen around them and to them.
·         Dress decently for kids (this is objective),but  forgive my paranoia.
·         Try to provide most of their needs so they don’t get enticed by materials
·         Above all, one needs to pray about it ‘cause only the spirit can reveal what is hidden to the flesh.
There is no water-tight way to keep these kids away from evil, we can only try, we should always remember we are foster parents and so we should always commit them in God’s hands. Cases of abuse should also be promptly reported no matter who the abuser is, family or not.
Thanks for reading through, I would love to read your thoughts and suggestions through the use of the comment box.

President Obama And Martin Luther King's Grandaughter

I love this picture, not only because little Rene looks so cute in her shiny blue dress but because of what it represents. Both Rene and President Obama are "products" of a dreamer.

She was surrounded by presidents, senators, a first lady and even Oprah, but Martin Luther King Jr.’s adorable granddaughter was the star of the show at Wednesday’s commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the I Have a Dream speech. Yolanda Renee King, 5, kept her cool as Barack Obama hugged her mother and father and even gave her a tickle as she stood regally at forefront of the event honoring her grandfather’s march on Washington at the Let Freedom Ring Commemoration and Call to Action.

Help! My Wife Won't Have Sex With ME!

Recently a husband complained about his wife of three years, he says.

*"She used to be somewhat of a Duracell bunny -always "hot" but all of a sudden she is the complete opposite. She is still in her twenties so there's no question of menopause, we have a child and we are comfortable. We were intimate once in January but nothing since then. 

We had some issues in the past, that even became physical, I regret hitting her, I lost control, but I have turned a new leaf and things have been ok, so why would she still be sexually unresponsive? I trust my wife and I know she is not having an affair. I don't want to have an affair but she is pushing me to consider my options"

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

101 Ways To Spoil your Spouses

Not Only Is He "The Man"...Show Him He's Your Man!;You wrote your names together and drew a heart around them, told your girlfriends about his dashing good looks, even practiced saying, "I'm Mrs.-his-last-name." You told him on your wedding day that he made you the happiest woman alive. Show him today that you still feel the same way!

 Show Her She's Your Queen - and Win Your Spot as King of Her Heart!Remember when she was a far-off dream you hoped to get a date with...the soft-edge fulfillment of romance...the one ideal you pursued with more diligence than sports and hot rods? Now she's your wife, lover, confidant, and so much more. Remind yourself, not to mention your spouse, what really brought you together. There's no better time to surprise her with 101 romantic ideas, simple gestures, and grand expressions all designed to help you show her she's still your dream!

Valentines is long gone but I'm sure the ideas in these books will keep those flames burning till next Valentines day and many more valentines days to come.

Wise Words From Oprah And Joel Osteen

Don't you just love this "new" Christianized Oprah? It took her so long to come out and say that she was a follower of Christ. 

I am impressed that with all the harsh criticism she has received and threats that her career will take a nosedive (like she cares, she is the most successful TV personality of our time) she has not shunned teaming up with Bishop T.D Jakes, Tyler Perry (who both encouraged her to "come out of the box") and more recently Joel Osteen The following, are quotes from her Life class on the OWN network.  I believe that Oprah's true 'next chapter' is to finish her life leading millions to the Christ that saved her.

2 Books to Help Get Our Sons and Daughters Ready for Life

Here is some real life advice for our daughters and women too. Drawing on years of being a mother, the wisdom of God's Word, and insights of other women, Annie encourages mothers to share 10 essential truths with their daughters, including how to: Use choice to transform circumstances Depend on Jesus for strength and joy Cultivate inner and outer beauty Understand the differences between men and women Prepare for a successful marriage

Candidly sharing her own experiences and the traits of biblical women, Annie helps mothers navigate the sometimes tricky, always fulfilling role of "Mom."

“At the top of the list of things that helped me raise a son who delights my heart is the truth that my love must be unconditional.”
Steve shares the wisdom that shaped his attitudes about being a dad and guided him to raising a respectful son dedicated to the Lord. Encouraging fathers to actively teach their sons, Steve shares advice garnered through experience and God’s Word, including:
  • Understanding discipline’s role
  • Explaining God’s timeline for enjoying the beauty of a woman
  • Building skills for a successful marriage
Packed with humorous insights, 10 Things I Want My Son to Know offers men practical information and suggestions for helping their sons become men of God and men of honor.

 About the Authors  Steve Chapman and his wife, Annie, are award-winning musicians who take their message of Christ-centered family to fans all over North America. Their enthusiasm for Jesus, family, hunting, and humor shine in their books, including A Look at Life from a Deer Stand , The Hunter's Cookbook (with Annie Chapman), and Great Hunting Stories.

6 Questions For Those Of You In long Term Relationships

There comes a time in your life when you think you have found the “one” or so you thought that was the “one”. You’ve done memorable things together, created a "whole world" together. You’ve shared your dreams and your future. It feels like you’ve become one.

 I've met people who tell me they have been in their relationship for 5 years some for seven and sometimes ten. I often find that if you ask each of them independently why there has been no formal commitment the answer from the girl will be different from the answer received from the guy...

To reduce this confusion, here are 6 questions you might like to ask yourself about that long term relationship of yours.

This Is Your Responsibility!

 It is our responsibility to find out what He is requiring from us at each stage in our lives and each area of our lives and to meet his requirements. Here are some questions God has asked others in the past.

  • He asked Adam, "Where art thou?" Sometimes we don't realize where we are in life and it takes the voice of God to remind us.
  • He asked Moses, "What is that, that you have in your hand?" Many times the very blessing we need is already in our grasp.

When love Carries You Through...

Its a marvelous day when one reads a story about two good souls finding each other to share their lives. This couple have become a bit of a sensation in America and all over the net.

Jesse and Kelly Cottle posed for a picture with his wife carrying him on her back. Jesse Cottle joined the Marines in 2003 and left in 2009 after an IED blew up both his legs
Met his wife Kelly during his recovery at a swimming meet in San Diego. heartwarming picture of a former San Diego Marine who lost his legs to an IED in Afghanistan being carried by his wife has touched tens of thousands of people on Facebook.

Jesse said that the support he and his wife received has been incredible to witness.

Monday, August 26, 2013

10 Lies Men Believe -A review

Some of you might have read the article Lies We Women Believe. After writing it, I was asked to do a corresponding article for men so, I turned to my husband and said "My dear, please write a piece for us, titled Lies Men Believe" then he goes something like " Men don't believe lies"
Well, it seems J.Lee Grady disagrees with him. 10 Lies Men Believe is a compassionate but confrontational look at the reasons why so many Christian men today are in serious crisis. The author, who has spent eight years confronting the abuse of women in more than twenty countries, believes men are failing in marriage, fatherhood, friendships, and careers because of ten wrong mind-sets inherited from culture. With gut-level honesty, the author offers practical answers for men who struggle with a variety of issues, including addiction, abusive tendencies, pornography, controlling behavior, and emotional problems rooted in a lack of proper fathering. The book is also an excellent resource for women who are suffering because of mistreatment by the men in their lives.

"The Mummy wars" - Are Career Mums Superior To Stay at Home Mums?

Earlier on I was drawn to what has been termed “ Mummy wars” When I first heard about the way women pulled women who were stay at home mums down, I was in disbelief,  I actively resisted the idea that there were women who felt they were more superior members of society because they had careers and more involvement in making money for the family. 

But that is the truth. Stay at home mums have been accused of being lazy, unambitious and all sorts of other things.  I wrote about a woman who quit her job to start homeschooling her kids some weeks ago and from her story you could tell the pressure was on her because of what a lot of her other working class friends would say/think. Obviously, we don’t all have the desire or the luxury to stay at home, but what some people don’t seem to understand is that

One More Week to Nominate your Virtuous Woman !!!

Some weeks ago I decided to let you decide who you feel is personifies the Proverbs 31 woman to inspire all of us wives, mothers, aunts and  and soon-to-be wives, mothers and aunts. In the article Lies We Women Believe, I mentioned that the woman described in Proverbs 31 does exist. Naturally, some people seem to disagree with me.
Here is a mini recap of what she is like:
  1. She possesses inner beauty 

Family Funnies and Fundamentals

To Share or not to Share, That is The Question!! Love conquers  all things right?:)

"My Spouse Wants to End the Marriage"

* " I have been married to my husband for 11 years and I recently discovered he has been having an affair with a woman where he was posted to. I wanted the whole family to move to the city he was going to be working in but he didn't want to change the children's schools. I must admit, the marriage has not been smooth, after we married we had a lot of fights and I just chose to stop fighting and face raising the kids. He would come home late and I would perceive female perfume on him and I just ignored so that there

Friday, August 23, 2013

Be Patient People...

If you need relationship or marriage counseling click here:

My Top 10 Joyce Meyer quotes

These are my best quotes from the funkiest and funniest 70 year old I know of.

1.“We must guard against allowing anger to drag us into sin.”

2. “If you want the great and mighty things God has for you, you must get to the root of anger and deal with it. Get rid of the masks and face the things that happened in your life that made you the way you are today. Admit that you can’t change by yourself. Until the root is removed, it’ll continue to produce one bad fruit after another.” ― Joyce Meyer

3. “Forgive the person who badly hurt you long ago and also the stranger who stepped on your toe in the grocery store.” ― Joyce Meyer

8 Ways to Make a New house Feel like an Intimate Home

Some of you who read Saying "Yes" to The help You Need might have gathered that I just moved house. Yes, I we move to a new apartment in the suburbs of Lagos and over the last 2 weeks I have had had to try to make it feel like home. 

OK,  I admit it, I am one of those people who like looking at decorating mags, but I have to remind myself of what they are – mostly eye candy/fantasy, with the occasional idea I can actually implement. For people who salivate through all the interior showrooms and magazines and stress to attain what is not the everyday norm. They need to realize that making the most of our homes is so much more than just the stuff we put in them, and the way we arrange said stuff. So here are some ideas on how to make a new house a home.

The Truth about Marriage, Resentment and Unmet Expectations

We can’t completely rid ourselves of expectations–love and respect are essentials. But as humans, we will all disappoint one another. Most people think of big things, like adultery and physical abuse, when they think of marriage deal-breakers. But then how come so many nice, reasonable, non-cheating and non-abusing people end up splitting up?

it’s often due to expectations: small insidious, everyday ones, that go unmet. They quietly wear away at your marriage day after day, night after night, week after week, not calling a lot of attention to themselves, just piling up until the foundation is buckling.

The Language of Sex: Experiencing the Beauty of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage

Feature From the book: Is sex keeping your relationship alive? Or better yet, is your relationship keeping your sex life alive?

"The best sex of your life starts in your heart, not in your head or between your legs." Sex is the result of building upon a secure loving relationship. "Sexual problems are indicative of greater issues."

  • Think about your relationship with your spouse. Do you:
  • Consider your husband/wife to be extremely important?
  • Value your spouse's thoughts?
  • Have you kept your commitment to the relationship since your marriage? Sexually? Emotionally?
  • Do you speak derisively about your spouse when he/she is present? When absent?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Desires of the Heart -Movie review

The weekend is almost here. What will you be watching? 

Desires of the heart is based around twin bothers Ethan and Jack struggles over their birthright – ownership of their father’s business, The Abrams Group, and a treasured family heirloom. But when their father Ike dies, Ethan and Jack find nothing is as they thought it would be.

An irreversible decision is made by their mother that damages the very fabric of the family. Ethan finds he must confront the choices of the past and the hurt and anger that poison his spirit. If he succeeds, he will discover the power that forgiveness holds.

A compelling tale of forgiveness and reconciliation that parallels the Biblical story of Jacob and Esau.

This touching Christian drama really brings out how important a father’s approval and acceptance really is. This film will be helpful to parents to see how the eternal consequences of their children may be as a direct result of their own choices. 

5 Ways To Teach your Kids to be Inspirational Leaders

We all pray for our children to be "The head not the tail"... Here's how: 

1. Purpose 
Inspiring leaders believe that success serves a higher purpose. When you ask what motivates them, they talk about making other people successful.

Uninspiring leaders believe that success is their higher purpose. When you ask what motivates them, they talk about what makes them personally satisfied. In the case of children we should help them see how the end justifies the means parents should help their children see that they don’t want them to be successful or well behaved because they will be a disgrace to the family if they are not. On the contrary, we need to tell them that by being responsible they benefit of society at large and help build successful families when they grow up.

Would YOU let your man pack your suitcases for your holiday?

The Daily Mail asked three husbands to to pack for their wives for a week long vacation in the sun Then asked the ladies to critique their efforts. One husband included a scarecrow's hat and a ballgown. Another left out suncream and underwear

One lady said that for their week in the sun, he had packed for himself: one pair of swimming trunks, three T-shirts, five work shirts and a solitary pair of boxer shorts. That was it. No smart shoes, no change of underwear, no soap or shampoo, toothbrush or book, hat or sun cream, no trousers, no shorts, no sweater (guess he assumed it would be hot but still...). 

Taming Your Family Zoo: Six Weeks to Raising a Well-Mannered Child

This book by Donna Jones,  was actually given to my in-law, who is a mother of two but who often finds herself babysitting 6 children at a time (relatives and friends bring their kids over) so her home is often similar to a scene from Jurassic Park. This delightful book is recommended for anyone who has a child younger than 18. I think it will take more than 6 weeks though! Its really good the way, the book is divided into 2 parts - the first part being for the parent.

Top 10 Manners all Children Must be Taught

Children are like blackboards and it’s what they are taught and what they experience that fills them up. When a child behaves inappropriately it is often unintentional. Sometimes kids just don't realize it's impolite to interrupt, pick their nose, or belch loudly in public. And in the hustle and bustle of daily life, busy mums and dads don't always focus on etiquette. But if you reinforce these 10 must-do manners, you'll raise a polite, kind, well-liked child. 

1. Do not interrupt grown-ups who are speaking with each other unless there is an emergency. They will notice you and respond when they are finished talking. This requires teaching your children what an emergency is if not your little girl will interrupt you when she can’t find her Barbie’s clothes and Barbie is catching cold. 

2. Do not stare. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Is this Your Marriage???

If this is your relationship CLICK HERE: When Your Devices become barriers to Communication
If this is your marriage CLICK HERE: Steps to better Communication
If this is your marriage CLICK HERE: His Hers or Ours or HERE: Your Attitude Towards money In Marriage

If you need discreet marriage or relationship counseling or just someone to talk to CLICK HERE

Wanna get Married? Slow Down and Answer these Questions

Ask Yourselves these Questions:

Am I dependable?
Am I thoughtful?
Do I spend money unwisely?

I have found that in marriage Trust is a powerful influence. If you plan to marry then you are committing your life to one person. The most obvious form of trust in a marriage involves the bounds of monogamy. We trust that our spouse will remain faithful physically as well as emotionally.

Staying sexy and satisfied while expecting.

I find it easier to write when I am sharing from a personal experience. I sometimes get so talkative in some posts, I try to stop myself. Remember I said in an earlier post that the most purposeful journey a woman can embark on, is carrying another (now, that's an opinion, only, the bible agrees with me on this one J ). Women feel most cheated during this period; to be honest one can never over stress just how much this process changes a woman's body.

I remember looking down at my now very full boobs (that's actually the best part of this journey) and my mother telling me how they will become flat and droopy after breastfeeding, of course, my heart broke a little (I am still keeping hope alive though).

Today's post is actually about the relationship between couples when expecting. I have had people ask me all sorts of questions but the most common one is; how is your sex life now? I try to explain in my own little way and I will love to share that here. 

3 Lessons On Love - From The Best Song Ever

After a while, married life can get in the way of your love life! I want to reinforce the importance of romantic love between you and your husband.

If you have never really read the book, Song of Songs, in the Bible, you really should! Apparently Songs of Songs means "The Best Song" when translated into Hebrew. God created romance and passion. Marriage is supposed to be physically and emotionally satisfying. Love, relationships, marriage, and sex are all gifts from God. The Song of Songs demonstrates and celebrates this time and time again. In the light of this part of the Scriptures, we should give grateful thanks to God for the wonderful mystery of human sexuality, and pray that He guides us into using it responsibly and rightfully; within a one-to-one marriage relationship where there is mutual trust, giving, love, total commitment and respect.
  1. Love means giving one to another. The man is not to lord it over the woman, nor vice versa, but there is to be a mutual giving, one to another.
  2. True love is a fire that burns strongly, and love like that is a gift from God that is not to be treated lightly. This is one of the major reasons, for example, that the Bible treats divorce so seriously, and why Jesus effectively banned it outright.
  3. Love means remaining loyal and faithful to one another, no matter what the circumstances. It would have been all too easy for the maiden to give in to the advances of Solomon, betraying her shepherd lover. She would have done no wrong in marrying the king, for she was a virgin. But true love is loyal and faithful, and she could not turn her back on her shepherd. Love cannot be rushed or forced. In the advice that the maiden gives to the harem women, this is stressed time and time again throughout the poem; do not awaken love before it is ready.

How to Date Your Husband (At Home)

Here, at Covenant Relationships, we know that every relationship needs some romance. In a perfect world, married couples would be able to get away together for at least a night or two of romance on a regular basis, out-of-the-house Date Nights would be a regular occurrence, and even the occasional lunch date would show up on their calendars. Ladies, I know you want a little tenderness so I hope these ideas will put the spark back into your marriage one date at a time, even if you can’t go out on a proper date.

1. Buy or create your very own "Cuddle Kit"
Let your spouse know your intentions for a night of cuddlin’, snugglin’ and lovin’ with a cuddle kit basket. Fill the basket with an assortment of chocolates (you can feed each other), bubbly drink, cupcake cakes (If your hubby is anything like mine, you might also like to fry some beef or chicken and throw it in there) candles (to set the scene), romantic music, a lovey-dovy movie (For those that have been together for some time, rewatching the first movie you ever saw together is a guaranteed heartstring-tugger) or whatever inspires your romance!. A little prep makes for a LOT of CUDDLES!!! (we just love that) Alternatively you could buy a ready made one like the one pictured by contacting

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Top 6 Back To School Tips

Going back to school means the relaxed, lazy days of summer are about to give way to packed schedules, homework and after-school activities. The change of pace can be a jolt to the whole family. While children are making the most of their long summer holidays by playing as many computer games as possible, watching as many cartoons as possible and seizing every opportunity to consume ice cream and sweets and other junk food within the boundaries of parental supervision. Parents however, are starting to think ahead to the new academic year, compiling to-do lists and thinking about what the new school year will bring for their kids.

I have compiled the following tips for you and yours, on how to help start the new term the right way:

1. Start waking them up. There is a tendency for parents to allow their children sleep till very late in the morning during holidays. Over the next few weeks reset their body clock slowly by waking them up earlier an putting them to bed earlier too in order for the back-to-school transition to take place more smoothly. Sit them down and help them to understand sleep nutrition is as important as food nutrition and that a lack of sleep or too much sleep can have major consequences.
2. Don’t stop the gaming. Yes they should keep playing but they should start playing more educational games there are a number of games that you can download on your computer of iPad that will teach them the basics of trigonometry and even 20th century literature in the most fun and educationally inconspicuous ways. This will get their brains back to school mode without eating depriving them of their last few weeks of fun.
3. Get their work done. Did they have any homework orset out before the holidays began that hasn’t been completed? If so make absolutely sure it has been completed and urge them to keep their work in a safe place.

4. Plan breakfasts. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is why it is vital your children don't miss out. By planning and preparing breakfast, especially for the first week back, the mornings will be a lot less stressful. Ask your kids in advance what they enjoy to help prevent any tantrums.

5. Start waking them up earlier. There is a tendency for parents to allow their children sleep till very late in the morning during holidays. Over the next few weeks reset their body clock slowly by waking them up earlier an putting them to bed earlier too in order for the back-to-school transition to take place more smoothly. Sit them down and help them to understand sleep nutrition is as important as food nutrition and that a lack of sleep or too much sleep can have major consequences. 

6. The Pep Talk. My mum used to do this the night before she would give this long lecture and it always included the catch phrase "Don't follow bad gangs". but you can start now. ask them what are their concerns for the coming academic year, tell them what you think they should look out for and generally pray with and encourage them 

Ijeoma Olujekun