
Monday, August 5, 2013

Deep Comforter

Once in a while life throws a blow so hard, so sudden, SO unexpected that you go numb because your mind cannot deal with it. Someone I know passed on in what has become THE most tragic of circumstances I have ever known personally. That day we had had a prayer meeting at home. 

We prayed….we praised….we worshipped. I’d had a ‘gut’ feeling that something terrible (I didn't know what) was going to happen two days before this and I knew in my heart that God wanted us to pray. And pray we did. But that ‘terrible’ thing still happened. When I was told the first time…my mind rejected it. My ENTIRE BEING rejected it. I could NOT understand how God could have allowed this to happen. Had we not prayed enough? Had we not worshipped enough?

There are things that happen in life that are so painful… mind numbingly painful, that you know that the sort of comfort you will require is not the regular kind. Deep Comfort is needed. This was such a time. I grieved on a level so deep, only God could hear it (kind of like how there are some sounds on some levels that the human ear cannot hear).

He came through for me. He has comforted me. He has helped my small mind to understand yet another facet of His Nature. His Mercy. It is my prayer that the Deep Comforter, The Holy Spirit of the Living God will take up permanent residence in everyone who reads these words and comfort every hurt the way ONLY HE CAN DO in the Name of Jesus Christ amen.

By Akan jacobs

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