
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hmmm.... What would I say about Miley Cyrus Twerking at the VMA 2013?

First of all, Who is Miley Cyrus? She is the teen star in the Disney Channel television series Hannah Montana, in which she portrayed the starring character Miley Stewart.

I have 3 kids who have grown up watching Disney Channel so I am aware of Hannah Montana and her influence on kids around the world. My seven year old has Hannah Montana branded items - bags, pencil cases...

Fast track a couple of years, she is now a big American actress and recording artist.

She has been in the news lately because of her infamous performance at the VMA. Now for those who have not watched it, it is not really what you might expect from Hannah Montana. But some might say it was a good publicity stunt and it was good for her ratings. Forbes reports that "Cyrus has since sold 90,000 digital downloads of her new track “Wrecking Ball,” which debuted the day of the VMAs. The song now sits at No. 13 on Billboard‘s digital songs chart."

Others like the Parents Television Council condemn the performance saying that

“MTV has once again succeeded in marketing sexually charged messages to young children using former child stars and condom commercials -- while falsely rating this program as appropriate for kids as young as 14. This is unacceptable,” said PTC Director of Public Policy Dan Isett.

“This much is absolutely clear: MTV marketed adults-only material to children while falsely manipulating the content rating to make parents think the content was safe for their children.

“MTV continues to sexually exploit young women by promoting acts that incorporate ‘twerking’ in a nude-colored bikini. How is this image of former child star Miley Cyrus appropriate for 14-year-olds?
I am not one to judge her because I didn't grow up in the limelight or I don't have to live my life thinking of what the press or the world would think about my every activity. But I must say that she should realise that a lot of teenagers look up to her. And it seems to have sold her birthright for a morsel of meat.

The one response I do agree with is captured in this YouTube video by Pastor Jarrid Wilson in his "Open letter to Miley Cyrus"

Watch it. What do you think?

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