
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Reminder: Show Your Children That You Love Them And God also Cares About Them

My Family
I have 3 children and I make it a point of duty to tell them, show them that I love them; everyday. I try to take myself off my busy schedule to talk with them, together and also individually.

I fuss over them when they do not do well in their studies, when they are unhappy or even when they do not pray properly during our morning and evening prayer times. I take care not to choke them but I still give them space. I give them the feeling that I care about them and really, I really do care about them. I feel privileged that the Almighty Father has entrusted me with the responsibility of taking care of them. 

Despite all these, I also let them know that God loves them more than I do. I tell them about His goodness, His mercy and His faithfulness. I tell them that He also cares for them.

It is very important to let your children know that you care about the little things in their lives; and more importantly that God cares for them too. Explain to them the essence of God sending His Son to die for them. And how much He loves them as much as the birds in the air and the animals in the fields.

With the spate of teenage suicides due to Internet bullying, bullying in schools these days, parents should become closer to their children more than ever. Constantly show them that you love them, and that God loves them even more.

Now, please note that loving them does not mean they get away with wrong actions. Loving them also means rebuking them when they stray from the path of goodness and bringing them back to the right path. Even the Bible tells us that He chastises those that He loves.

Do not forget your role as parents. It is a privilege. May God give you the grace to bring up your children in the fear of the Lord and the love of God. Amen.

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