
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Staying sexy and satisfied while expecting.

I find it easier to write when I am sharing from a personal experience. I sometimes get so talkative in some posts, I try to stop myself. Remember I said in an earlier post that the most purposeful journey a woman can embark on, is carrying another (now, that's an opinion, only, the bible agrees with me on this one J ). Women feel most cheated during this period; to be honest one can never over stress just how much this process changes a woman's body.

I remember looking down at my now very full boobs (that's actually the best part of this journey) and my mother telling me how they will become flat and droopy after breastfeeding, of course, my heart broke a little (I am still keeping hope alive though).

Today's post is actually about the relationship between couples when expecting. I have had people ask me all sorts of questions but the most common one is; how is your sex life now? I try to explain in my own little way and I will love to share that here. 

First up, being pregnant ain't like one is terminally ill, so, most of the myths that surround pregnancy are most times exaggerated. Sex between couples generally is better with good communication. I mean it can't get dirtier than sex, so one will fare better if one tells one's partner what works and what doesn't. 

Medically, doctors advise more sex during pregnancy but it is possible one goes frigid. Lots of things cause frigidity during this period and like I earlier said, communication is key. I remember I was scared deep thrusting could make me have a miscarriage. My husband at some point was scared of resting on my belly. The womb, however, is a protective sac where the foetus undergoes growth before birth. God has designed it so it is almost impossible for things such as the male genital destroying the foetus during intercourse. It is also possible that it takes a longer time for one to be turned on, all these factors need to be discussed and worked around.

Another myth is one becomes less desirable to one’s partner. I am of the opinion that if beauty is the only reason couples stick together, then there will be more divorces than we have now. I can almost say ‘matter of factly’ that most men concern themselves more with the glow and beautiful changes taking place in their partners’ bodies than the stretch marks and dark patches (ok, that is not totally true) but let’s say sexual attraction is borne more out of confidence exuded than beauty. I can’t blame some women for having doubts about their looks during pregnancy but I think it is mostly a thing of the mind. So, for unforgettable intimate exciting sessions before and after pregnancy, a woman has to love her body, embrace whatever changes and exude the same loving energy to form a perfect connection with her partner.

I tell people I am going to make an issue out of a situation whereby my husband goes overweight on me or stops trying to be appealing physically (now, this appeal has nothing to do with beauty in the general sense of it, it just means those grooming one does to one’s self like using deodorants, getting shaved etc). When pregnant, keeping up with the things one used to do could look like a burden but that doesn’t mean one shouldn’t try. One should still try to visit the saloons at the regular time, keep up with spa appointments and so on. Trust me when I say men delight in seeing how well you are trying to take care of yourself for them.

Did I mention there is nothing too much or little to take to the Lord in prayer? Well, I just did now, pray together, talk about all things and enjoy life.

I just shared my two cents; I'd love to know your thoughts. Please, use the comment box.


  1. Yes ooooh! The big boobs are the best part!! It was as if I had implants. Mine disappeared like magic but stay hopeful though...

  2. hahaha! I'd rather keep hope alive. Loving every moment of change so far.
