
Monday, September 16, 2013

4 reasons why you should NOT discuss your marital issues with a colleague of the opposite sex

It is very easy to get into the trap of discussing your marital issues with a friend or a colleague of the opposite sex because you spend more than 8 hours a day in the office. Everything starts so innocently.. and and you think there is no harm because you think it is harmless...Nothing can come out of this "formal" relationship. And he is ever ready to listen to you; unlike your spouse at home.

As innocent as it may set out to be, you are treading on dangerous grounds.

It is advisable that you do not discuss your marital issues with a colleague of the opposite sex for the following reasons:

  1. The marriage institution is a sacred relationship between two people. Inviting a third person by discussing your marital issues with them, is inviting trouble. 
  2. The grass always seems greener on the other side. But alas, it is not always so. Most people do not tell you the truth about their marriages. They only tell you the good things so that you think that, with them, there are no bad times. This might make you think that they can handle any issue and give your right counsel. Beware!! 
  3. When you are going through issues in your marriage, you are at a vulnerable point in your life. You can clutch to any straw to pull you out of the deep hence any advice is "good" advice. This is not always so. People may paint the picture to make you feel that you are sane one while your husband is being inconsiderate. Beware!!
  4. Discussing your marital issues with someone of the opposite sex is a sure way to commit adultery. This can lead to you becoming too close to the "Subject Matter Expert" and this can lead to temptation, ultimately adultery.

As a married man or woman, you must set boundaries for your relationship. Construct walls, create a fortress for your marriage, rules that pertain to your family. Inside that fortress the only ones allowed to enter should be God, you, your spouse and your children, that's it.

Do not be deceived. Every marriage goes through difficult times. It is the roughening of the edges. With the right attitude and prayer, the issues will be resolved and this will help to make your marriage stronger.

Do not succumb to the sweet and "too good to be true" stories. All that glitters is not gold.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:23

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