
Friday, September 13, 2013

5 Bonding Activities For You and Your Family This Weekend

When we are dating we seem to find time to do these things but when we marry the excuse is we have too many responsibilities. Well bonding is one of them.

One sad thing that happens in many marriages is that after the wedding and honeymoon stage bonding draws to a halt. You close from work by 5, 6 or 7pm, get into traffic, get home by 8, 9, 10 pm; eat, sometimes take a shower and head straight to bed; only to get up as early as 4, 5 or 6 am the next day for work.

Social activities are restricted to attending church, weddings and other ceremonies where you get home stressed and tired. If you dedicate 1 weekend in a month to bonding, heavens won't fall because you missed one wedding.

The wife is caught up in trying to balance a career, a home and the husband is stressed from work and helping out and spends most of his alone time watching TV or with friends. Wives spend free time with their friends or at home in front of the TV also. Their only time together is in the bedroom which slowly turns into a boring and routine when there is no bonding of any other sort.

Here are some fun bonding activities for you and even the kids this weekend:

1. Evening stroll: This helps works best if you live in a fairly quiet area and helps manage your weight. After an early dinner talk, catch up, hold hands and just be friends. Walk somewhere if we need to get something rather than drive. You will get home refreshed, smiling and have a good nights sleep.

2. At the Mechanics: Believe it or not spending a day at the mechanics’ can be fun. Pack your meals and a drink, get some for the mechanics, gist, eat, check out the work, go home shower and rest.

3. Water Adventure: Board a cruise ship, ferry, canoe, ship or whatever is available and explore the sea... From Marina to Apapa...etc For Lagosians, you can go from Victoria Island to Takwa Bay.

4. Story time: Start an in-house tales by moonlight or I wanna tell you a story...Your kids will love it.

5. Board Games: WHOT, chess, Ludo, Monopoly and of course, Scrabble

There are so many sad stories, make sacrifices and work on your relationship. It is easier to build it now than to have to patch it later when they are so many cracks.

Marriage is hard work and sacrifice no one says its easy, we say there is no time yet married men are 80 percent of the customers at many recreational places. Dear husbands, if you don't want to make time to bond you will be finding an escape route from your marriage very soon and you will have no one to blame, not even your wife.

Try out one of these this weekend if you haven't already.

Stay in love.

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