
Monday, September 23, 2013

Before You click On The next "Pastor-Involved-in-Scandal" Link...

Perhaps there have been more scandals involving pastors lately, or it's my personal recognition system which has been awakened to the growing number of issues involving ministers and congregants surfacing online. I generally ignore most of them but a while ago I came across one which I just couldn’t ignore. Not only because of the way it was publicized but because of the comments of several Christians, like you and me.

So much hate, blame and animosity. Some people blamed the minister while others ridiculed the lady – saying things like, she was just looking for fame or cheap publicity, as if people were going to start stopping her and asking for her autograph because of this highly publicized affair. I got a glimpse of how Jesus felt when He wept.

We missed the point, the warning, the reminder the awakening. While we go about calling ourselves Christians, Jesus Christ did not come to institute a new religion, He came to show us the way to The Father Himself. To reconcile us to His plan. As long as we submit to the desire for earthly acceptance and recognition and feel that having the pastor's direct line makes us special, I’m afraid, things like this will continue to happen. Our pastors need our constant prayers as much as much as we like to receive theirs, they need to be recognized for the humans that they are.

Perhaps I’m speaking more to the ladies, when I say that this is a call to remember who we are as as daughters of The Most High. He asks us to come boldly into His presence with thanksgiving and praises on our lips, to receive grace to help us in our time of need. No earthly father would be pleased to give anything of value to a child who acts as if they have no father or who misplaces their adoration.

Sisters, are you still with me? I hope so. Before you click on the next link titled "Pastor-Involved-in-Scandal", remember that behind your phone of your computer screen a great weight of responsibility rests on your shoulders. Let us lift up our pastors in prayer, let us reach out to each other, let's encourage one another, . Let us mend our ways and quit the pastor worship. May we focus on recognizing and walking in line of God’s will, this is the foundation of what makes us Christians.

Get on you knees and pray for your pastor today.

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