
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"Family Rules" signs, What Would Have on Yours?

"Family Rules" signs seem to have become all the rage. I came across one in my brother's house (his wife is very interior savvy) it says "In this house we Love we Forgive ..." I don't remember the rest but its really very nice.

 So I started looking out for one for our new apartment, you know, to make it more intimate- I came across loads of them: Say thank you, Always pray, Pay with hugs and kisses, Find beauty everywhere, Dream big and so many others- a testament to all of the things we often never quite live up to but wish we would. I have chosen to make a customised set of rules that applies to our family. You know, with my favourite verses and some other pertinent rules and, " Laugh often and SMILE more" rules that we can aspire to both as a parents, friends and children of God.

  1. Jesus loves you; who am I not to?
  2. Have faith
  3. Always keep your promises
  4. Share
  5. SwimSumTime
  6. Try New things
  7. Snuggle and giggle
  8. Speak kindly of others
  9. Pray always
  10. God is Awesome, worship Him
  11. Make mistakes, learn from them
  12. Rejoice! Again I say REJOICE!!

Important lessons I want my daughter (|and any subsequent child) to learn, live by and understand on multiple levels. Honestly, lessons I find myself learning and relearning as the years go by, as I grow as a parent and a human being. 

What would you have as your "family Rules"?

By Ijeoma Olujekun

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