
Monday, September 16, 2013

For the Christian Man: Does it bother you that you cannot get her to the Peak?

One of the greatest issues in marriage that christian couples don't talk about, is their sex life. Unfortunately some couples do not know how to bring it up for fear of being perceived as too "carnal". From the counselling sessions that I have conducted, the women seem to be the ones suffering in silence.

For a man, it is easy to get to the height, roll over and snore. But does it bother you if she doesn't get to that same height? Don't you wish that she would be the one asking for sex instead of you trying to convince her to have sex with you?

As you may already know, sex is a spontaneous reaction for most men. All you need to get turned on is to see your wife in her sexy negligee. However it is not the same for most women. They have to mentally prepared for sex. They have to be in the right mood.

So even if you want to make love to your wife, you have to get her in the mood first. You alone know how to get her in the mood. If you don't know, find out. Of course, this is where you have to be observant and get her co-operation.

Understand that if you are of the "wham, bam, thank you ma' am" generation, you are not being fair to your wife. If only you see a woman in orgasm, you would understand the sense of satisfaction and victory you get when you achieve this with your wife. You would be proud to call yourself a "Man"

I do believe that a man and his wife must be able to reach the peak in most sexual encounters, if not all. A woman who enjoys sex would not feign headaches and fake orgasms. It would not be dull and uninteresting. It would be explosive.

Now note that if you have not been able to get your wife to that pinnacle of satisfaction, it might not easy to get there in one night.

It is not easy to hold on for your wife before you explode. It takes hard work....I bet you did not think so. But have no fear, it is doable.  Do it for your wife and you will see the results.

I would like to recommend a christian book that would help you and your wife in this journey to the zenith. It is the Intended for Pleasure by Ed. Wheat and Gaye Wheat. Intended For Pleasure gently encourages the married couple to make their sexual relationship the fulfilling experience it was meant to be. It is a complete sex manual for practicing Christians with basic facts, illustrations and candid discussion of all facets of human sexuality. You can get it at any good christian bookstore.

Please I do not recommend pornography to aid you in this quest. This has an ungodly spirit.


  1. I hope our men will read this. They should know it is important to be part of the game too.

  2. We spoke about this and figured it out very early on. But yes, it's important for both to be fulfilled, as it translates to other aspects of married life.

  3. One statement sums it all up; the sense of satisfaction and victory that comes from getting your wife to the pinnacle. Only then can you call yourself 'a man'.
