
Friday, November 1, 2013

Live, Love, Give love...unconditionally

We all are in the pursuit for relevance which translates into happiness for most of us. We strive for happiness in different ways and most times we become slaves to the wrong things because we have lost vision of what the true race is about. Life holds more meaning when we are able to realise the whys and hows.

The past month taught me so much; I have been humbled by the goodness and selflessness of those around me. I learnt life’s ultimate lesson of loving oneself and appreciating interdependence. I have come to the conclusion that the race for relevance is overrated and the key to true happiness lies in being able to open one’s heart to others; Being able to love unconditionally.

A month ago, I birthed another, it still feels surreal and I can never say enough about how much this process has affected who I am positively. I see things in a different light (now, I feel like telling you about the whole motherhood experience but I am going to save that for another day)

Like life wants her lessons to sink in, I meet so many beautiful people that give themselves selflessly to others and have made me reflect on my own inadequacies but above all they have me deeply thinking about the true essence of life.

All of a sudden I feel an awakening like I don’t want to die with all manners of ‘I wish’. I want to live a life impacting other lives. I want to be able to give back through being able to love ‘because I think that is how to be truly free. Life’s too short to waste a day and when that day comes when I breathe my last, I want to be able to say ‘I was here’.

Have you seen Unconditional - the movie? (you should see it) It’s a true life story about a man who grew up in the hood with all the odds that comes with living in the hood but decided to impact the kids in the hood positively by showing them love they never knew existed. I understand we all can't be Chuck Feeney (you should read his story when you can) but in us, lies the tool through which the world around us can be changed.

I can give you many more examples about the ones that are really godlike among us and their different outstanding acts but telling you about people you can ‘google’ is far-reaching. I am miles away from home and anybody that just gave birth can testify to how hard it is to cope with the added responsibility but believe me when I say I have had it quite easy; the support I have gotten from those I hardly know is humbling.

I am not here for lengthy notes and I hope you understand all I am trying to make you see is how colourful we all can make the world if we engage in more acts of kindness. Trust me, it’s both liberating and therapeutic. Wealth and fame might bring you relevance but without love, the soul will be malnourished and the god within will not shine through for the world to see.

From the time I posted this, I made a decision to live each day consciously. I am going to allow myself love and breathe freely. In loving oneself lies the need to reach out and love others.

When it is all said and done, our actions live after us.

Happy new month.

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