
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Music is divine (Bless the Lord)

I pretended like it was raining as the water from the shower formed tiny beads on my body. The weak fluorescent light going on and off made it seem like there was lightning helping my pretence. 

It is one of the times I love the most, being alone and listening to songs on my phone through an external speaker. There are times I even forget I have a terrible voice and sing along. This morning it was Tye Tribett’s Bless the Lord that was playing and like in a flash, I could feel my spirit leave the bathroom. 

My mind was in uniform with the sweet voices of the worshippers I was listening to. The sincerity in their praise was contagious and I couldn’t stop my heart from leaping. There was a special fullness that is unexplainable in that moment. The harmony of the voices and instrument stirred in me emotions I couldn’t explain. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. It’s amazing what music can do. I could feel peace from within; it’s a beautiful and complete feeling.

This morning is not the only time I have felt like that, those that are really close to me know I am like a walking iPod (now, that sounds

You know the whole essence of this post is to make you listen to one of my favourite songs of all times right?(smiles). I need you to feel like I felt in those few minutes I spent in the bathroom.

Listen below and be blessed.


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