
Friday, December 6, 2013

How will you like to be remembered? What would your eulogy be?

“Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” - Nelson Mandela

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” - Nelson Mandela

In these last couple of days, some notable people have passed on. These deaths often make me wonder if most people realise that one day, it would be their turn.

Paul Crouch the founder of Trinity Broadcasting Network recently passed away at the age of 79. He will be remembered for setting up a network to spread the word of God. TBN reaches every major continent via 84 satellite channels and over 18,000 television and cable affiliates around the world. He celebrated 40 years of TBN ministry this year

Paul Walker unfortunately passed on last week Saturday in a car accident which claimed his life at the young age of 40. Most people remember him as the blonde quite guy that acted on the "Fast and Furious" franchise.

Just last night, the death of the former President Nelson Mandela was announced by the current President Jacob Zuma. He is remembered for his fight against Apartheid Africa, equality for every person irrespective race or colour. He is remembered for the ability to forgive his jailers even though he was incarcerated for 27 years in his country. As I write this post, the world is still giving eulogies about the greatest South African that ever lived.

In all these deaths and with people giving a lot of eulogies, how would you like to be remembered?  Arianna Huffington, in a recent post titled "Are You Living Your Eulogy or Your Résumé?" said, 

"No matter how much a person spends his or her life burning the candle at both ends, chasing a toxic definition of success and generally missing out on life, the eulogy is always about the other stuff: what they gave, how they connected, how much they meant to the lives of the real people around them, small kindnesses, lifelong passions and what made them laugh."

"So the question is: Why do we spend so much time on what our eulogy is not going to be?"

"For example, look at Steve Jobs, a man whose life, at least as the public saw it, was about creating things, things that were, yes, amazing and game-changing, but when his sister, Mona Simpson, rose to memorialize him at his memorial service at Stanford University, that's not what she focused on.

"Yes, she talked about his work and his work ethic, but mostly as manifestations of his passions. "Steve worked at what he loved," she said. But what really moved him, what he really loved, was love. "Love was his supreme virtue," she said, "his god of gods." And though yes, he loved his work, he loved his family too."

Life is as we make it. It is our duty to make it count - on earth and also in heaven. Sometimes you have to go through difficult times, trying times that will try your faith in God. Be firm and know that "Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the World" and that "You are an Overcomer". 

Let your eulogy be full of the fact that you helped humanity and cap it all by ensuring that you also make heaven. 

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36

It is not too late. make your life count

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