
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Embrace your awesome-ness!!!

When the fireworks started on the first of January and everyone screamed joyfully that they were alive, breathing and living  again to see another year, I wondered what the year held and how it would pan out. Don't get me wrong, I was not worrying about anything; Philipians 4:6 is my watchword for every difficult season. One thing I wondered about was if I would live free this year.

Many of us are living in bondage without realising it. We live by the staunch rules that society has laid out for us; we live by the rules people we look up to have laid out for us. We do not carve our own paths anymore; instead we steadfastly and blindly walk the old beaten paths that many others have walked. We fail to distinguish ourselves because we are afraid of what people might say. "If they know I can ;do this, they may never speak to me again", "if I want these girls to stay friends with me, I'd better not show them I am better at doing this than they are." We fail to embrace our awesome-ness!

We live in the bondage of fashion dictated by society. Many of us are so blindly moving with trends, we are scaring little children on the streets with our fashion choices. Many of us are so eager to please the head of the women's group in church, we let our homes suffer from a lack of connection. Many of us are like lap dogs, saying "YES" to save face.

 I was blessed by a friend with a book called "captivting" by John and stasi Eldredge and in it, Stasi took a poke at the proverbs 31 woman that so many of us strive to become. She pointed out that the Proverbs 31 woman is so busy, she probably has little or no time to do anything else. Yes, she's hardworking and efficient but when does she chat with her children? when does she have time to cater to her husband's needs emotionally? I thought it was funny but I also found some truth in it.

To embrace your awesome-ness, you need to embrace who you are. You need to fall in love with yourself over and over again and accept that you are not the Proverbs 31 woman or the most righteous man on earth. You have flaws but your flaws are part of what make you unique. You have talents; well, show them to the world! Let us benefit from the gift God has blessed you with. Don't let society dictate who you should be. Live free as Christ intended! If you love singing, take a bold step and let people hear your voicve. If it's writing, channel in a direction to bless other people. You are a work in progress and you will be till the day you die. In spite of that, God has placed some awesome characteristics in you. You just need to let it shine through! Embrace life, live free, do that thing you've always wanted to do. Take bold steps towards your goals! Embrace your awesome-ness! Let your light shine!

From this day, when someone asks "How are you?" let your response be "I am awesome!" (Many of my friends will testify this is my response most of the time). Stay blessed! xoxo

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