Seems to me like yesterday when I wondered if my daughter
was going to be able to latch on well in order to be well fed by me. A couple
of months down the line and my worries took a new turn, I was teaching her how
to sit without support, I got worried anytime she leaned back and pushed her
body back to the sleeping position which automatically had her laying with her
back to the floor like she was never going to understand bums were meant for
sitting. I watched her yesterday trying to get on all fours and I had to agree
within myself that time really does play its part.
I was watching the TV yesterday and there was this story
about an eight year old child of mixed race. She desired long hair so her
grandma paid for her to get hair extensions, the other kids in school called
her names and pulled at her hair till her scalp peeled with the hair. The damage
done was so bad that some doctors think she might have to wear a wig all her
life. in solidarity members of her family and friends shaved their hair to show
their love for her. I was touched and you all would agree that as bad as her
case might be, some have it worse. Some of these kinds of stories end in death.
Bullying doesn’t necessarily have to be physical; there is
also the emotional aspect of it. Even if the kid(s) that bully(s) another kid
is punished, atimes the damage caused is almost irreparable.
I remember complaining to my mum about a kid beating me up
in school; she spanked me and told me that I should learn to stand up for
myself next time. I was an easy prey with my slim stature and not so regular
face. My mum was and still is my greatest cheerleader. She taught me to hold my
own and build my confidence. Despite looking really awkward, I was Giselle to
my mum. It was a matter of time and I was able to stand before my then
oppressors. Because she helped me see who I could be and I discovered I didn’t need
the yeses of the school’s bullies. I still try hard to understand how innocent
looking kids could be so full of bile.
have changed since my time but the situation is still the same.
I hope to apply my mum’s tactics if ever faced with same
situation, I’ll probably do mine without the spanking J. It is always good when one
creates an atmosphere where one’s child finds one easy to relate with, that
way, one is kept informed of happenings in the life of one’s child(s). as parents, we owe our kids utmost protection.
Parents should also take it upon themselves to raise kids
with good values, if parents play their parts well, the issue of bullying will be
reduced. Kids mirror the homes they are brought up in.
For other ways one can protect one's child;
I stumbled on some beautiful tips while writing this and you
can check them out here
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