
Friday, March 7, 2014

Will my Husband Go Astray Because Of Occasional Daddy Daycare Duties?

“I woke up to get her bathing water ready and pack my daughter’s lunch but then I realized it was already 5:30. I must have overslept, she was already in the shower” The words of, the wife of a busy husband? No, those were the words of my colleague, a busy husband of an equally busy wife whose is expecting their second baby.

I am tempted to say that there is something about our culture that promotes the notion that the more hands-on the daddy of the house is, the higher the likelihood that he would yearn for a less demanding, more kitchen and cleaning devoted woman. Guys, is that true?

So should my dear colleague’s wife quit her job in one of the leading oil companies in the nation and remain within a 5 meter radius of the kitchen to safeguard her marriage? Should female children all over the world grow up believing there is no point in pursuing a high flying career if she also aspires to marry and have kids? I think not.

I read an article where a working mum mentioned that equal parenting is indisputably the most efficient way of organizing childcare when both parents choose to or need to work, and that is so true.  However ladies, before you forward this article to your husband, remember that we should study them and know HOW BEST to work together on the home front and accept that there will be the good and bad, successes and  failures and you might have to bite your lip and overlook some of his oversights.

I admit that it’s a bit unrealistic to expect equal to be equal in every respect. However, the sheer willingness to roll up both sleeves means that we regard the fact that It takes two to make babies and therefore it will also take two parents to raise them. Not to mention that this attitude rubs off on our children and sets a wonderful example of teamwork, sacrificial love and family unity for them to emulate when they have their own families.

That a man chooses to get in there and help his wife out at home instead of chilling at a bar with an available side chick, doesn't mean that he is being a hero, it means that he is being a dad…a REAL dad, a big thumbs up to all of you out there!

By Ijeoma Olujekun

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