Have you lost your cool yet? that was the message my old
friend sent me yesterday. I laughed it off but then I thought about it and
reflected on the past months. I wasn’t your average kid loving individual. I was
contented with just buying them gifts and staying unbothered by their tantrums
and cries for attention but it is surprising how much could change with having

My nipples are sore and my eyes hurt from lack of adequate
sleep. I can’t just hop up and pack my bag to go spend time at someplace like I
used to. I consider so many things these days: The environment, space and every
other thing that just didn’t use to matter. She is growing up so fast and so in
a hurry too.
Anytime I want to get
mad, she looks at me with those perfect eyes, holding my finger in her very
soft palms with smiles playing round the corner of her mouth. Seeing her happy
makes it all so worth it but I can’t help myself feeling a tinge of frustration
or running out of patience atimes.
I’ll do anything to make this jewel of mine happy. I wonder
about when she might think I hate her because I put my foot down for her to
learn some life lessons.
Have I lost my cool yet? Well, I do sometimes but It is never
If I feel this way about my daughter, have you ever wondered
how God feels about us?
If you then
being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more your
father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask him. Matt 7:11
He nurtures us from
when we are in the womb till we become adults (sometimes).
Before you
were formed in the womb I knew you. Jer 1:5
Guarding and guiding us through life. we are like babies in His hands, we would
feel discomfort atimes but it doesn’t mean we are not on his mind, it is all
just part of a growth process, learning to sit, walk, teething and so on are
all parts of his ultimate design.
Unlike us, He is never fatigued; His arms are ever strong
and ready to comfort us.
He will not allow
your foot to slip; He who watches over you never sleeps or slumbers. Psalms
God always wants what is good for us. He is not a man that He
would have selfish thoughts. His ears are always at our table. He doesn’t feel
like creating us has gotten in the way of His ambition.
Motherhood teaches one a lot about sacrifice and I can’t
wrap my head around sacrificing one’s only child for the world to be saved. That
just does it for me.
How about you?
Are you at a very low place today? Do you wonder why you are
going through what you are going through?
God is always there with you, like a child growing up, there
are lessons we need to learn. Through all the discomforting stages, teething
pains and all we ever go through, He would always be there to guide us through.
And yes he might lose His cool but He will never desert us just
like He never did the Israelites in the bible. Nothing can separate us from God’s
And I am convinced that
nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers
of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth
below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the
love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39.
Rejoice in the knowledge of God’s unwavering Love for you.
Stay blessed.
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