
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Honour Your Mother

She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on he tongue. she watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also,and he praises her: Many women do noble things but you surpass them all."Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.Provs 31:26-31

Ben Carson shared the story of his life in his book titled ‘Gifted Hands’ and one thing that stuck with me is the role his mother played in his life. She saw in him what he couldn’t see in himself. She pushed herself to help him overcome his shortcomings. She is the angel assigned to him by God. That is the stuff most mums are made of. If you think that is exceptional, listen to what some other people have to say about their mums. Mothers have been the pillars on which our society rests. Hardly would you read the biography of a great man without appreciating the role of a mother.

From conception to birth, the sacrifices they make are simply awesome. I make jokes about everyone coming together and making up their minds on a specific day for Mother’s day celebration but really these beautiful gems should be celebrated everyday of the week. I know of a man that renovates his mum’s house every two years and he does this holding nothing back, from new settees to state of the art appliances. I have heard him say he might not spend money on her burial because making her happy while she is alive is what matters and I agree with him. We all grow old and there is very limited time, so whatever you want to do, do it now.

Children can be very selfish and I have heard people say very ridiculous things like mummy understand why I can’t do this or that for her, she is richer than me. I have plenty time to do things for her or buy stuffs she would like. Or we don’t need to take mummy out; she can help with babysitting the kids.

This is very wrong. A Yoruba saying goes like this ‘Mothers are idols, they should be worshipped’. If you have one that is still living, take advantage of the upcoming Mother’s day and honour her. Let her feel like all her sleepless nights are not wasted after all. Husbands should also take this time out to appreciate the mothers of their children.

In the ultimate programme of God, he foresaw how empty the world would be without women and he decided the best thing to do was create one. Mothers have shown us a fraction of God’s love by their own selflessness. Make them feel special and appreciated too.

Giving of gifts is an expression of love.I know people might be conflicted on what to get. Getting gifts for mother’s day need not be pocket draining. What counts is the thought behind it. You could get her a gift card for some good pampering at a spa or get her jeweleries. Better still; take her out to that nice restaurant that serves what she likes.

Don’t let this mother’s day pass without letting her know she is in your thoughts that day like other days. 

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