
Monday, June 16, 2014

Appreciating Dads(Happy Father's Day)

I felt really bad when my dad called me this evening. Apparently I had forgotten to wish him a happy father’s day. it’s funny however because I had his picture displayed on my BBM profile picture all day like that was all I could do to appreciate him. I wonder how many people on my contacts, with different pictures of their dads on their profiles, were as guilty as I was. I have gotten so comfortable with him that I forget to appreciate him.

After I ended the call I was overwhelmed with a feeling of nostalgia. I was a child again with my dad tickling me and me laughing endlessly. I remembered how he used to drive me to the venue of every exam I wrote and waited till I finished with a bottle of soft drink and something to munch on to greet me soon as I entered the car, looking into my eyes with eagerness for me to assure him the exam was a walkover.  I needed no one to tell me he was as apprehensive about the results as I was and nothing can compare to the look of pride and contentment whenever those results were positive. It feels like a life I once lived now as I can see him leaning over my shoulders as I filled my jamb form telling me the pros and cons of some courses and schools.

Morning and evening prayers were compulsory and we read and learnt bible stories and verses just before bedtime. His acts of selflessness and discipline have taught me so much about love and sacrifice. All of those values he instilled made me who I am, he showed me the stuff a real man is made of and never to settle for less.  We have and still share too many great and not so great times than this page can contain. It took maturity for me to understand his stern attitude and his gentlemanlinesss.

This is me saying thank you for everything and taking time out to appreciate other fathers and women who had to play both roles. We love and appreciate you all.

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