
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Four Fun Inexpensive Birthday Tips(Making Your Significant Other Feel Special)

So, over the weekend, a friend calls me to remind me of her boyfriend’s birthday. She suggested we go someplace high-end and spoil ourselves to mark the day. Now, you can’t imagine just how excited I was that  we were going to be hanging out since it has been a while we all came together to have some fun plus free always sounds good J and high-end free sounds even better. I decided on a denim shirt and pants and was counting the days. She called me a couple of days to the time to tactfully tell me whatever I ate or drank was going to be on me(now, this might sound a little cheapskate to you but man! splurging on myself just cause it is a friend’s boyfriend’s birthday was definitely not in my plan). I shrugged off the thought that that sounded new to me. I know it is not so much of a strange culture in the western world but my Nigerian self believes if you invite me for a birthday, I should at least be getting a free drink.

I understand her dilemma, it sometimes seem like one would spend an awfully lot to plan a beautiful birthday but it really need not be. What matters most times is always the thought behind whatever one plans. I am going to share the following tips for those that have tight budgets but would love to wow their significant others.

  • Surprise is always good and you can create it in different ways. Send a cake over to his workplace and show up just after the delivery to take him out if you have the time to or you could take him out to dinner. You can plan with some of his coworkers to have just a little decoration in the lunchroom if it is allowed at his workplace.

  • Having friends around is equally good but you might want to plan some sort of refreshment too. This is always more pleasurable when you share same circle of friends. It helps the conversation flow better and the air would be friendlier. If you are really short on cash, it would be nice to tell your friends upfront so they can pick somethings up on their way to spice it up. You could watch a movie or hang out at a park. You can even go swimming or go to the beach. 

  • If you are bent on going all out, then you can plan a weekend getaway to a nice spot. Do some adrenaline pumping things like visiting the amusement park. This would even be more fun if you have kids as they can also enjoy the day along with you. To achieve this you can save up from the year before and even check to see if you can get deals that would save you some ahead also helps to reduce cost.

  • Always remember that what really matters is the thought behind whatever it is you are doing so don’t go overdoing yourself trying to be all you are not in a bid to impress or wow them. Handmade cards never run out of fashion, you can make one with words straight from your heart. I know the latest growth in technology has pushed cards to the background but they are still treasurable.
Back to me and my friend, we stayed back in the house and ate well prepared rice with peppery beef and turkey(tasted so good that I can still taste it)and creamy cake with loads of gist to spice up the day. We had so much fun and so did the celebrant.

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