
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Put A 'Price Tag' on Yourself

I had an interesting epiphany while I was out shopping sometime last week. I walked into a shoe store and given my love for shoes, I was soon spoilt for choice. My prudent side kicked in, and I decided price would be the determining factor. Afterall, I didn't need a new pair of shoes urgently, I just like to have shoes at the ready should a new idea for an outfit pop into my head. I started to look at the prices. Some of them were so expensive, I could literally hear my bank account emptying, others were just ok and some were ridiculously cheap. I observed the more expensive shoes; they had detail, some bling, their soles were strong yet comfortable, the designs were out of this world- unique, different, able to make any pair of legs beautiful. The analogy that popped into my head immediately cracked me up. Aren't we all  like shoes?I believe we are!

There are so many of us that are strong, beautiful/handsome, easy to get along with, intelligent and really the kind of person anyone would want to take home to mama! But the problem is we place ourselves on the cheap stand. In spite of all the details that have been meticulously engraved and instilled in us, we are scared we are too high on a pedestal, so we place ourselves on a lower pedestal so people can afford us. In other words, we put ourselves on sale. Sadly, most singles, especially ladies keep reducing the sale price until it is almost free... and yet we wonder why people that do not understand the quality behind our design come around and treat us like a pair of cheap slippers, instead of a pair of Louboutin heels.

Put a price tag on yourself- are you cheap, average or priceless? Now, when I talk about putting a price tag on yourself, it should be coherent with the details you have instilled and the time you have invested in yourself to make yourself better. If all you bring to the table in a relationship is sex or just money, then you should be on the cheap stand and need to take some time to improve the material you are made of, your sole, the elegance you bring and of course the attractive factor- how do you make people around you better?

If you have already tagged yourself as priceless, and you know what you bring to the table is priceless, stop putting yourself on sale! So many people, especially young women in their bid to tie the knot as early as possible move from priceless to average, and eventually to cheap, where they are bought by men who do not understand their value, and end up as bathroom slippers or driving slippers (yeah some people have slippers dedicated for driving only). Stop allowing people who can only afford to shop on the cheap stand buy you, use you and then throw you in the trash. There is someone out there, that understands what you are worth, and is willing to pay that seemingly high price. A person whose feet will be thankful whenever he or she slips you on, and will always tell their buddies- I don't regret shopping on the priceless stand!

What is your price tag? XOXO

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