
Monday, December 29, 2014

Stand Firm For 2015!

Now that the year is winding down, there are mixed feelings everywhere I look. While some people are ending the year on a high note, others are despondent and losing hope.

Yesterday, a pastor shared an interesting story with the church. He told us about his son who brought him fifteen years of sadness, doing drugs, smoking his brains out with the hoodlums of the neighborhood, and bringing shame to the family. It was devastating for the entire family, given that both parents are pastors. Many times, neighbors called him to tell him his son was drunk in a ditch alongside questionable characters that even the worst unbelievers did not want to relate with. He said many times he sat in anger  and planned his son's funeral, concluded in his heart that his son had no respectable friends that would attend the funeral, all he had were his fellow drunks. He spent hours wondering about how his family could save face after his son's death, at least for one last time...

Many of us are like this. We spend many of our hours planning for the worst possible scenario. We cry about the horrible things in our imagination and lie on the ground even before life hits. It's time to stop weighing ourselves down with the worst possible scenario, and instead trust God for the best possible outcome. The new year is upon us, and it is important to stand firm in God's promises. We need to start relying on God's promises concerning our lives and stop focusing on the battles we seem to be constantly fighting. God tells us in the bible that He will never fail or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). As the new year draws near, don't stress about what your new year resolutions should be, instead focus on what God is saying to you about your future (Jeremiah 29:11)

In case you're wondering how the pastor's story ended, his son got saved last year, not because his parents talked him out of his habits, but because the power of God prevailed. He had a vision of death all by himself, while in a drug house, and found his way to God. God never fails. He's never too late or too early! He's always on time! Stand firm for 2015, God is at work!

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