The vows reading was so emotional as the lovers held hands
and stared right into each other’s eyes. It was like watching a scene from all
those overly romanticized Hollywood stories but this was happening right before
me. Goodness me, I was so close to tears by the time they were done (this is
rare ‘cause I can be quite unemotional). I was reminded of mine too as the
weight of every line they recited resounded through the powerful speakers that
were placed at every corner of the hall.
People in marriages sometime forget the power of the oath
taken before their loved ones. One hears of husbands cheating and some women
stealing their husband’s money. The distrust and seemingly lack of love
ridicules the vows.
My little experience has taught me love is so much greater
than our minds ever conceived. It goes past enjoying the good times. You discover
your spouse’s weaknesses and realize your husband is not the magician you
presumed he was. The husband discovers his wife is not as sweet as he presumed.
A spouse’s illness takes a significant
toll on the family’s finances and it sometimes takes a deep reflection to know
that those situations are not enough to break the family.
Sitting back in my seat watching as the couples exchanged kisses,I
can only say It’s been a great journey since we began, lots of lessons were
learnt and everyday still brings with it, its own challenges. But I am reminded
these journey is forever. Those oaths stand for something.
Are you going through really hard times in your marriage?
Have you started losing faith in the sacred institution? Do you feel like
giving up on it all?
Breathe, Let your mind take you back to the beginning and
the vows you took.
To have and to hold,
through the good and the bad times, in health and in illness, till death do you
Divorce and separation doesn’t have any space in the line
shared above.
Please make it work.
This is so nice. Thank you so much