
Saturday, April 4, 2015

If he says you should get pregnant before he marries you, what would you do?

It is truly disheartening that Christians still maintain that a woman must get pregnant before marriage. In pre-marital counselling, my wife and I still get single ladies who say that their fiancés left them because they could/did not get pregnant before marriage.

Whilst one might think this shouldn't be happening among Christians since they know it is wrong, some of the men give such excuses as:
  • How am I sure she hasn't had several abortions in the past without my knowledge?
  • My parents insist that I must ensure that the lady is fertile
The women who succumb to this pressure from their "fiancés" also claim they have legitimate reasons to do this. "I am not getting any younger. What if I let him go, he will surely get another woman." "I love him so much and I know he loves me too. He will never leave me. I trust him."

In both cases, it is apparent that these sets of Christians do not really trust God even though they know that it is a wrong practice to engage in pre-marital sex before marriage.

The Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Back to the question: As a woman; If he says you should get pregnant before he marries you, you need to consider God's word above all else. And I will advise you to leave him. A man who willingly and knowingly disobeys God, does not love God. Take a walk and God will send the right man to you. Be Bold. Be Strong.

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