
Monday, May 11, 2015

Getting Married:Ladies, What's Dress Size Got To Do With It

Image result for WHAT HAS DRESS SIZE GOT TO DOWhat are the features you considered before settling down with your better half? Did you love the way every head turned at her every stride or were you enchanted by the singular fact that he was such a good-looking man? Did you think her good looks will make up for her lack of basic education and manners or was it excusable that he was 35 years old and still lived with his mum with no plan for the future? All I want is a show of hands of how many people who think looks is all that matters when choosing the special one.

I am not going to pretend like there are no great looking people and those that are not so endowed in the looks department but what I have also come to understand is that beauty is very relative. I might find A very attractive and you might not agree with me. I wonder however when people make statements like you can’t get a husband with a face like that or who married that one? It is so sad that we humans are our own greatest enemy. Putting another person down doesn’t guarantee a place at the top.

I saw a POST on a beautiful lady, Eniola Kashaam who just got married. She shared that she was told that she would never find a husband because she was too fat. Can you believe that? Who says things like that? It is understandable if one reduces one’s weight for health issues but when has being too fat or being too skinny stopped one from finding that special one? I have heard things like men only love light skinned girls and I am wondering who comes up with such nonsensical generalization.

All I am saying is love comes bottled differently. Every bride doesn’t have to be long,short slim or whatever specification perfect has in the majority’s brain. Love comes in different sizes so does sexy. Don’t allow those around you ruin your shine by their negativity. Don’t give anyone the right to make you feel bad. Everyone has that special one that would love you the same even if you were limbless.

Whatever your dress size is, however way you look, you are a creation of a special God and He made you wonderfully. 

If he aint here yet, just know your knight is on the way and if you are already in a relationship, don't allow your insecurities get the better of you. Say yes to that special man in your life when he asks you. Have fun and savour everymoment of your special day. You are so much more than they say , you are definitely more than a dress size.
Stay beautiful and amazing.

Have a great week.

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