
Sunday, May 17, 2015

What Kind of Husband Are You?

I copied this post from Apostle Dr. Nnams Nmecha's facebook wall. I had no idea there were this many categories of husbands! I hope I can come up with categories of wives too as a follow up post.

Below are few categories of husband: 

(1). Autocratic Husband- He is a self-knowledge, self-involved, unbending, unyielding husband. Nobody can correct him, nobody can counsel him. To him, he knows everything. He is very arrogant and stubborn. He has no ...mentor. He does not fear, honor or respect anybody..
(2). Corrosive Husband- He is abusive; hot tempered and a wife beater. He is not in charge of his temper. He is a no-joke, no-play, no-laughter and no-nonsense man. He shouts and barks at home.
(3). Solo Husband- He stays in separate room away from his wife. He is a “single” married man. He prefers sharing his secret with friends; the only time he talks to his wife is when he needs food and sex.
He is self-centered; his common words are “I”, “me”, “mine” and “myself”. He is full of self-glorification, self-justification and stinginess.
(4). Semi-Husbands- They are not real husbands, they are men under their trouser but lesser than that in their duties at home. They are real men in bed and on the dining table; but when it gets to paying school fees they are nothing.
(6). Supermarket Husbands- These are the kind of husbands that are unfaithful to their wives. They are everybody's husband. To men like this, anything in skirt is good for a bedmate. They pay huge amount of money on hotel bills.
(7). Executive Husbands- These are the kind of men that live their lives in an executive way. They do not allow their wives to have any close relationship with them. They operate their rooms as if it is the general manager's office; no love, no romance and no intimacy. If their wives want to enter their rooms, they have to knock and obtain permission before coming in.
(8). Traditional Husbands- They see their wives as properties. They believe women are third class citizens, useful only in the kitchen and bedroom. To them, a woman is just a cook, a tool of pleasure (sex) and baby making machine.
(9). Baby Husbands- They are not under-aged men physically, but they are infant mentally. They know how to build a house but not how to make a home.
If you want to know baby husbands look for the following:
• He keeps malice with his wife
• He rejects food because he is angry
• He beats his wife
• He reports his wife to friends and family members
• He keeps a separate room from his wife.
• He embarrasses his wife publicly
• He calls his wife goat, animal, fool, etc.
• He loves his mother more than his wife
• May refuse to give house-keeping allowance because of a little misunderstanding
• Can never be influenced by his wife
• He is a contentious husband, he nags.
• Will never pray with his wife
• Always find it difficult to say “I am sorry”.
• Will never help his wife with the baby.
• He threatens his wives with polygamy or divorce
• He criticizes, condemns and compares his wife with other women
• He does not love his wife, if he does; he will never say it, or demonstrate it.
• He leaves the house without anybody knowing where he has gone to.
• He gives no room for romance and intimacy. All he wants is sex.
• Gives no room for foreplay before sex. He is just like a carpenter who has no emotion for the nail.
• He retaliates instead of rewarding
• Never does anything to improve his marriage. He will never read marriage books, attend seminar or go for counselling.
(10). Kingdom Husbands- They are extra-ordinary husbands; they are what God want them to be as husband. They know that their God is to be feared and worshiped, their wives are to be loved and their children are to be catered for. They are “real men”, men indeed; they are the SUNSHINE in the life of their wives and children.
- They are man of integrity: - They mean what they say; and say what they mean
- They do pray with and for their wives.
- They are faithful, loving and caring.
- They cherish and nourish their wives.
- They are good communicator.
- Apologize easily, forgive quickly.
- They lead their homes with wisdom
Kingdom Husbands – Traits of an Uncommon Hubby
1.God Fearing
2. Godly Character
3.Loves his wife
4.Respects and Honours
5.Good Communicator
6.Great Leader
9.He gives his Wife Peace
10.He is Committed to Marriage
This is not meant to abuse anybody, but for you to check yourself and try to be a better husband and father. The choice is yours...........

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